Friday, May 29, 2009

Defeating a Hitler with nukes: Nothing else matters

James Lewis

May 25, 2008: Kim Jong-Il explodes his first full-sized nuclear
bomb . This day shall live in infamy.

North Korea helped build a secret nuclear power plant in Syria,
which was destroyed by the Israeli Air Force in 2007 while the CIA
was still asleep. North Korea sells nuclear and missile technology to
Iran and Pakistan. Kim can easily sell his nuclear Bomb in the
Middle East; today his bomb also threatens Japan, South Korea,
Taiwan, and China. Like it or not, we are being dragged into the Second Age of Nuclear

Nothing else matters now.

Forget Obama's grabbing the banks and the car companies. Forget
his eleven trillion dollars of new debt for the next generation. Forget
his egomania. Eight years after the jihad assault of 9/11, 2001, on
New York City and Washington, D.C., we are back to national life
or death. Americans were suckered into believing that the world
was suddenly a safe place, and elected a grossly unqualified
Chicago pol to lead the nation, because he looked good on TV.
That is a mistake we may come to bitterly regret.

Four days ago, Admiral Mike Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs, told the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

"I'm one who believes that Iran getting a nuclear weapon is
calamitous for the region and for the world ... neighbors ... (who)
feel exposed, deficient (will) then develop or buy the capability
themselves ... (it) is absolutely disastrous."

Obama is the worst person to have in the White House at this time.
At least John McCain, for all his faults, understands that this is an
extremely dangerous world. So do Dick Cheney and George W.
Bush. But we have no hintwhatsoever that Barack Hussein Obama
is intellectually or morally equipped to cope with the nuclear
proliferation we are seeing today. Just the opposite. We are seeing
the most foolish, ignorant, and self-obsessed administration since
Jimmy Carter.

All of Obama's foreign policy advisers believe in cringing to tyrants.
They think we just haven't been nice enough to
malignant regimes in Tehran and Pyongyang. That isn't even for
grown-ups; it should have been left behind long ago in summer
camp. But Bill Clinton's SecState Madeleine Albright was
photographed toasting Kim Jong Il, the pudgy tyrant of North
Korea, who starved a million of his own people to death to divert
resources to a gigantic army and nuclear program. For his part,
Obama has already bowed down abjectly, in public, to the medieval
King of Saudi Arabia. The symbolism is unmistakable.

Those two iconic photos capture the Left's understanding of
international danger. Nobody who is so completely ignorant can
ever be charged with protecting our national welfare. But here they
are again.

Kim's Hiroshima-type Bomb is big enough to wipe out Tokyo, and
in a few years, San Francisco. For decades the West has begged and
pleaded with Kim, bribing him with vast gifts of oil and food. Kim
always suckered the West and just kept starving his own people for
better nukes and missiles. Today, he's got his Bomb and the means
to deliver it to Japan, South Korea, and China.

Iran is next.

This is the Second Age of Nuclear Terror. The first one started
when Stalin used stolen secrets from the Manhattan Project to build
a Soviet Bomb. Even Stalin's closest associates were terrified that he
would start a suicidal nuclear war. According to one history
Lavrenty Beria and Nikita Khruschev assassinated Stalin to stop that
from happening.

After Stalin's death the Soviet Union and the West were able to
establish a balance of terror. Both sides thought the other was
rational, and no rational actor would ever use nuclear weapons.

Today's Second Age of Nuclear Terror is different, because Kim
and Ahmadinejad don't act like rational leaders. Ahmadinejad is a
Twelver, a fanatical member of an Armageddon cult that believes
the Twelfth Imam will return to earth after the destruction of the
enemies of Islam -- which means everybody on earth who isn't one
of them. That's why the Arabs next door are running scared of
A'jad's nukes and missiles. They are Muslims, but the wrong kind,
according to Ayatollah Khomeini, who founded the modern mullah
state in Tehran.

Khomeini tried to overthrow the Saudi regime by stirring riots
during the annual pilgrimage to Mecca. Today the Iranians are still
stirring up Shiite Muslims in the oil provinces of Saudi Arabia. They
control a "Shiite Crescent" from Iran to Syria and Lebanon and
Gaza. Everywhere they go they preach jihad and martyrdom. Their
target is Israel, yes, but also Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and
especially the secular. According to Islamists atheists are much
worse than Jews and Christians: Off with your heads, infidel swine!

So an ego-tripping rookie from Chicago is now supposed to protect
us from mortal danger. Good luck to all of us.

There are only two rational strategies for sane nations in the Second
Age of Nuclear Terror. Obama has spoken out against both of them.

The first is preemptive strikes. If somebody is pointing a gun at you,
threatening to kill you, you have to kill him first. George W. Bush
made it work with Saddam Hussein. For his great wisdom and
courage George W. Bush was hysterically abused for eight solid
years by the Democrats and their saboteur brigade in the media. In
1981 Israel's Prime Minister Menachem Begin also acted
preemptively by destroying Saddam Hussein's Osirak nuclear power

Those two preemptive military actions helped to postpone the
Second Age of Nuclear Terror that Kim's nuclear bomb has just
ushered in. They kept us safe for more than two decades.

SecDef Robert Gates has pretty much ruled out preemption: The
Iraq War was too costly, he believes.

What else can we do? The second rational strategy is anti-missile

But the SecDef just announced 1.4 billion dollars in cutbacks to our
missile defense program. Thanks to very active development
culminating in the Bush Administration, the United States now has
the makings of an effective defense against nuclear-armed missiles.
That was never possible before. The First Age of Nuclear
Terror had no defenses. That's why it was terrifying. But we are
well within reach of an effective defense.

Every other sane nation in the world is trying to rush anti-missile
defenses, including the Russians, the Chinese, the Japanese, South
Korea, Israel, and all the Arab nations. If we cut back they will just
go into high gear and do it without us. Nobody is going to wait for
Obama to change his mind, least of all Japan, the Arabs, India, and
Israel. Their homes and children are on the line, just as much as

A US retreat on missile defense would be clinically insane. Not
only has North Korea exploded a nuclear bomb, it also helped Syria
to build a nuclear plant on the Euphrates River that the Israeli Air
Force knocked in 2007. Iran's Armageddon regime is closely allied
with North Korea, and with Pakistan's nuclear proliferation network
headed by AQ Khan -- who was educated as a nuclear engineer in
the West. There are thousands more like him around the world.

In his last days in the Führer's bunker, Hitler still had control over
the world's most advanced weapons of 1945, including V3 missiles,
jet planes, poison gas bombs, and incipient nukes. At the end, Hitler
was staging his ownGötterdammerung, the Twilight of the Gods,
and it suited his sense of drama to commit suicide with a bullet in
the back of his brain. For a man as revenge-driven as Hitler, dying
in nuclear bomb explosion along with his enemies would have been

Japan's Emperor worship cult might well have done the same if the
nuclear bomb had been invented just a few years before it was. We
lucked out -- again.

So we have the recent historical example of two deadly enemies
who likely would have risked their own survival at the end of World
War Two in order to destroy the United States and the West.

What makes us think that today's fanatics are not different? How
often does Ahmadinejad have to threaten genocide for us to take it
seriously? How many Sudanese Africans have to be killed by their
jihad regime for us to take that seriously? How many North Koreans
have to be starved to death by their own government for us to see?

Most people live in denial of clear and present dangers. We know
this administration is full of such people. Obama's Chicago gang just
told Israel not to defend itself. But the Israelis are a lot more morally
serious about such things. It is simply not imaginable that they will
allow the mad mullahs to have their own Armageddon weapon.

When Israel strikes out against its genocidal enemy the Obama
gang may try to punish them. But Menachem Begin showed the
morally serious decision to make in such a case: You defend your
people first of all.

Being approved by this Chicago Mob isn't even a close second.

© American Thinker 2009

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