Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Letter to Israel

To: The Entire Israeli Elected Government:

Shalom Chevreh,

Though you formed a coalition for power you must not for one moment forget that the Israeli nation voted for nationalist not left-wing views.

Though you formed a coalition for power you must not allow Defense Minister Barak’s imposition of his left-wing views on the right-wing government. Since the right-wing bloc undoubtedly won the elections, then why do the right-wing opponents keep looking to Barak to torpedo the right-wing’s actions? How come Barak dares to justify his entry into the government by saying he will block the right-wing and what he proposes instead? Is it his own positions when these positions, and he himself, were roundly rejected by the public in the election? From where does the anti-right-wing camp draw its absolute and in-their-face confidence that their way is better? Didn’t the nation voted otherwise?

Minister Barak must immediately cease and desist his interference in the matter of Jewish neighborhood outposts in Judea and Samaria. This is not what the nation wanted when they voted this government in. Barak must stop interfering because he did not receive a mandate to do so. He must either join the majority opinion in the government, or he must get out.

Instead of Israel always taking stock of itself, it is time that the Israeli Arabs begin doing just that. This government must legislate against commemorating Naqba Day, which is an the ultimate disregards for the establishment and existence of Israel coming clearly from Israel’s 5th column; you must legislate against anti-Israel bouts in the Knesset by Israeli-Arabs MK’s which is treason; you must legislate for immediate expansion of all the existing legal settlements in Judea and Samaria.

We ask you to please fulfill the nation’s will, as it was expressed in the elections, and allow the settlements in Judea and Samaria to grow.

The right wing government must act its part along its tight wing positions. This is what the nation wanted and wants.

There were elections, the nation voted right-wing; let the government govern and implement their right-wing policies. If not, this is all a formula for the government to fail and fall!

Nurit Greenger

Los Angeles, Californian USA

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