Sunday, May 31, 2009

An Open Letter to M. Nicolas Sarkozy, President, The Republic of France

Rabbi Israel Vana, Dr. Arnold Pock and Jerry Gordon

May 29, 2009

President Nicholas Sarkozy of France:

It is with great respect that we write you regarding undivided Jerusalem, capitol of the Jewish State of Israel. This is a matter of utmost importance to all Jews, including those valued citizens of France. As someone intensely proud of your Greek Jewish relatives who fought in the French Resistance during World War II, you should have more than a passing interest in this matter. Your position on the status of Jerusalem and the mass deportation of Israeli citizens from both Judea and Samaria ignores both G-d’s covenant with his people and the legal mandate of the San Remo Conference of 1920 that defined the Jewish Homeland under the auspices of League of Nations.
The Jewish people have lived in the land of Israel for more than 3500 years. After the brutal destruction of the Jewish republic in 135 C.E. by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, the Jewish people had no sovereignty, until the establishment of the State of Israel in May, 1948 under the UN partition plan. For two thousand years, we lived as despised second class subjects under the sufferance and degradation of Christian rulers in Europe. We have been murdered, burned and tortured in the tens of millions, culminating in the Shoah. Six Million Jewish men, women and children, including many French citizens were murdered during the Holocaust. Our people were fed to the lions, our women were raped and many were forced to convert to Christianity. Our people were placed in prisons for crimes that they did not commit. Blood libel accusations were leveled against our people. Tens of thousands of Jews were murdered in the Crusade periods and hundreds of thousands were expelled from Spain, as a result of the Reconquista in 1492 and the Portuguese expulsion in 1497.

France, starting with Napoleon in the 19th Century was a beacon of enlightenment, freedom and liberty for Jewish citizens and protected many Jews in the Ottoman Empire.

Islam propelled by the Quranic doctrines of the Prophet Mohammed, the self styled messenger of Allah, arose in a bloody Jihad against Jews and Christians 1400 years ago. His successor, the Caliph Omar had the audacity to build the Al Aksa mosque on the holiest place significant to our people, the Temple Mount. The Jihad and hatred of Jews inherent in Islam has persisted and is the basis for threats to extinguish the Jewish State of Israel. Jews are despised by Muslims including those in France as the ‘sons of apes and pigs’.

Given this history of Jewish persecution and hatred, the Christian West and the Muslim believers thought that Judaism was finished. G-d however, had different plans. The Jews returned after the Shoah to our ancestral homeland. Jews returned from the far reaches of the Diaspora-Europe, America, India, and the Arab Middle East- to build a Jewish nation. Jews are there to stay!

The most important issue for all Jews, especially the citizens of Israel is Jerusalem! Do you really think we have any obligation to divide Jerusalem after its re-unification as a result of the 1967 Six Days of War? Do you think it will appease Palestinians or those irredentist Israel Arabs in their quest to establish a state in Israel’s midst? Would you like to see Paris and other major cities in France divided into self governing ‘no go zones’ just to appease the significant minority Muslim community? As a former Interior Minister involved in combating Muslim extremists burning their districts and murdering French Jewish citizens you should know better.

In 1935 Hitler annexed the disputed Saarland occupied by France under the Treaty of Versailles as a security zone. France did nothing. If anything, it gave Hitler the appetite for more acquisitions. As his aggression grew, Austria and Czechoslovakia, the latter at Munich in 1938, were swallowed up by the relentless Nazis. France still wanted to preserve the peace. However, peace was nowhere to be found! British Prime Minister Chamberlain also stated “I have saved the peace” just as Hitler and his murderous machine marched into Poland. In 1940, Hitler demanded the return of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany. Vichy France allowed Germany to annex it for the sake of peace. Peace did not come.

If for the sake of peace we capitulate to the Palestinian Hamas terrorist regime in Gaza and the corrupt PA regime in Ramallah that refuses to recognize the Jewish State of Israel, then Muslims in France and many European countries could separate from their host countries.

Did President Abraham Lincoln allow the South to split the Union? No! In a devastating Civil War a unified America was preserved.

Should Russia have allowed Chechnya to separate? Should Sri Lanka have permitted the Tamil Tigers in a 25 year civil war to form a separate state? The answer is a resounding, no.

Should England allow London to split, just because there are Muslims who want their own capitol under Islamic Sharia Law? As President of France would you tolerate the formation of self-governing Muslim districts in Paris, Lyon or Marseilles?

So too for Jerusalem. Jerusalem was a Jewish capitol long before any other nation conquered or occupied it. For the past 3000 years Jerusalem has been the center of the Jewish World. Either it was a Jewish capitol or it lay dormant or destroyed until our people returned. This is G-d’s statement to the world! “Jerusalem is my capitol and must remain in the hands of the Jewish people.”

The second issue you raised at the Israeli Knesset was the return of Arab refugees to Israel. Every conflict creates refugees. (WW I, WW II, and other wars). Those refugees were resettled. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has resettled tens of millions of refugees from all conflicts, save that between Israel and Arab invaders whom the Jewish state had defeated. The UNHCR gave refugees new passports that enabled them to start a new life. Did you notice that the only refugees who were not allowed to resettle in new countries were the Arab refugees in the UNWRA program that France, the US and many other Western countries subsidize as ‘donors’? Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and many other Arab nations, did not allow their brothers and sisters to settle in their countries. Instead these Arab refugees languished in UNWRA camps denied basic civil and human rights by their Arab host countries. Why? Because these Arab countries never wanted to resettle Arab refugees. They wanted the plight of the Arab refugees to live on forever. In this way, the refugees were kept in inhumane conditions. Such suffering which the Arabs inflicted on their brothers and sisters helped strengthen their embittered attitude toward Israel and perpetuated the Arab Israeli conflict for decades. The first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion, called upon the Arab refugees to return to their homes. Some did return but the majority did not under the delusion that Arab armies would re-conquer their lost lands.

At the same time, the Arabs evicted and expelled 900,000 Jews from Arab countries, among them Yemen. Jews have lived in Yemen for 2600 years, long before Moslems ever existed. We did not hear you mentioning their rights. Is it because they are Jews and thus are not entitled to international protection or reparations for lost property, assets, and most importantly, their lives?

The world has become accustomed to hateful attitudes toward the Jewish people resulting in systematic genocide. The Muslim world feels they can do without the Jews. Is that the reason that 900,000 Jews were expelled from Mizrahi lands?

What about the remnants of millions of Jews systematically murdered during the Shoah? Witness the pogrom that killed Polish Jews in Kielce, Poland in 1946, when they attempted to return to their homes.

You came to Israel a land that was the haven for Holocaust survivors, the remnant of the “Shoah”, Mizrahi refugees from Arab lands and émigrés from the Diaspora. Yet, you stood in the well our Knesset in Jerusalem and said that Israel should divide our eternal capital. In the same breath, you expect Israel to accept countless numbers of Arab refugees, while you did not say a word about helping Jewish refugees.

Six million of our people, your people, were exterminated during the Shoah by the Germans and their helpers: French Vichy Fascists, Poles, Ukrainians, Hungarians, Austrians, Bosnian and Kosovar Muslims, I’m sorry to say that even your revered predecessor, President Charles de Gaulle gave sanctuary to Hitler’s house guest, the infamous Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the Haj Amin al Husseini. Husseini was the sponsor of Muslim Waffen SS units that hunted down and killed hundreds of thousands of Jews and Serbs in the Balkans. We cry out just thinking of the magnitude of the crimes against our people in the last 2000 years in Europe.

Thus, we find it galling that you, as President of France with Jewish forbearers are telling fellow Jews in Israel to remove their citizens by force just like Vichy France did in WW II. You do all this while having the temerity of professing friendship with the Jewish State of Israel. You are publicly concerned about Iran. What will you do to protect Israel from a nuclear armed Iran? May I remind you, that it was former French President Chirac who supplied the nuclear reactor to the late Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein. Israel’s pilots took out the Osirak reactor near Baghdad in June, 1981. World opinion chastised Israel, only later to thank it for this preemptive life saving action. France was among the first to condemn Israel after the bombing of the reactor in Iraq.

M. President Sarkozy, our hope is that this letter will embolden you to support a United Jerusalem. You can help the peace process by assisting in the absorption of Palestinian Arab refugees in Arab lands and by supporting the increase of Jewish homes in Israel. Arabs who reside in Israel are welcome to stay and contribute to the country, but not assist in treasonous acts to destroy it.

May the memory of your grandfather z’l (of blessed memory) spur you to reconsider your statements and become a leader in support of Jewish Israel in the ancient homeland of G-d’s covenant with his people.


Rabbi Israel Vana, Arnold Pock and Jerry Gordon

Rabbi Vana is spiritual leader of B’nai Israel Synagogue, Pensacola, Florida, Dr. Arnold Pock and Jerry Gordon are co-editors of the synagogue’s newsletter, The Shofar’s Voice.

Guest Comment: This is an incredible letter that must be read and forwarded to all on your list. Also be sent to all those leaders who are relentlessly trying to dictate to Israel how to manage its affairs.

The plight of Israel and Jews in particular, is laid out in the letter to perfection.

A speech like this is most humiliating, provocative and disrespectful a foreign nation leader can deliver to the Parliament-Knesset of sovereign State of Israel. Can you imagine if Netanyahu stood in front of the French Parliament and delivered this sort of speech?! What the Israel's Knesset members should have done is stopped Sarkozy and escorted him out with his first sentence about the division of Jerusalem or the Arabs 'right of return.'

Unfortunately, in the eyes of the world, Jewish blood remains cheap; unfortunately there is one set of rules that is applied to the entire world and another set of rules that is applied to Israel only; unfortunately, what is good for the entire world is not applicable and good for Israel! Israel does not deserve it.

Is anyone listening? NO! WHY!? Because to the ‘enlighten’ world Jews are STILL second class citizens!

So this is the ultimate lecture for Israelis and all Jews and non-Jews, no matter where they live, who see Israel to be the home of the Jewish Nation: (1) The ‘peace’ the Arabs do not really want, neither can deliver, and the two state solution negotiations the Arabs will 'negotiate' on their terms only have become an industry of fruitless diplomatic meetings, thus must stop, and (2) Jews can no longer afford to be second class residents/citizens anywhere in the world; Israel is the only place on earth where Jews are no longer guests, thus the Jewish Nation must be preserved Israel for eternity at all cost!


With kind regards,

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