Sunday, May 31, 2009

To: Mr. Obama, Mr. Abbas-Abu-Mazen, World Leaders and the Citizens of the World

Nurit Greenger

May 30, 2009

Why is there no where to find a morsel of history about the “country of Palestine? Or ”Palestinian State”?

Who was the previous leader of this mysterious ‘country’ or ‘state’ before Arafat?

Can you define this ‘country’ or ‘state’s’ historical borders?

What form of government it had before the terrorist Yasser Arafat took control of this ‘country’ or ‘state’? What was its national monetary system or the name of its capitol?

Please define this ‘country’ or ‘state’s’ religion.
Does any museum hold even one artifact from this ‘country’ or ‘state’?

The answers to all these questions are no, with capital ‘N’. And please, don’t for one moment refer to or try connect these ‘Palestinians’ to the biblical Philistines; there is no connection whatsoever!

The name "Palestine" comes, via Greek and Latin, from the Philistines.

When dealing with this ‘Palestinian’ issue, here is some history that you must learn and be familiar with: In 732 BC, the ancient Philistines lost their independence to Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria. Later on, Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon conquered all of Syria and the Kingdom of Judah, and the former Philistine cities became part of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. There are few references to the Philistines after this time period. However, Ezekiel 25:16, Zechariah 9:6, and I Macabees 3 make mention of the Philistines, indicating that they still existed as a people in some capacity after the Babylonian invasion. Eventually all traces of the Philistines as a people or ethnic group disappear and subsequently the cities were under the control of Persians, Jews--Hasmonean Kingdom, Greeks-Seleucid Empire, Romans, and subsequent empires that ruled in the region.

I challenge as well as urge every human being on earth to search the history of the “Palestinians.’ We all know that the people who chose to call themselves “Palestinians” are just Arabs who came to the region, particularly to the Land of Israel, from all parts of the Arab world seeking better economic conditions. For some unknown reason since the turn of the 20th Century, these Arabs have been rejected by the entire Arab world, which has used them and is still using them only as a pawn to fight Israel as well as in their own going wide scheme to acquire money and power so they can try keep the word of Allah and achieve Islam domination in the world.

Now that I have brought the truth to light, can you please explain to me why on earth so may political leaders are willing to negotiate with people—Arafat and now Abbas-Abu Mazen—who are by far not leaders of a real country, and are openly two-faced slimy liars?

Arafat then and now Abbas keep on telling world leaders one thing in English and then turn the microphones to their people and in Arabic tell an about-face story or a totally different story. Because of its advanced technology, the world we live in today seems to be much smaller, and you can no loner fool the masses so easily. We read, see and hear the actual truth. So why don’t you do the very same?

Fatah, PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah and the majority of the Arab world general population agree that Israel must be exterminated, and that their ultimate goal, as commanded by Allah and plainly described in the Qur’an, is to rule the world. There are only some minor differences as to how and how fast this goal can be accomplished. If you still doubt my writing, any Islamist will be only glad to provide you with a copy of the Qur’an for you to read and become ‘enlighten.’

The true history of this Arab group, now calling themselves “Palestinians” is so horrific it deserves nothing but the gallows.

It is obvious that the Arab world is rewriting history in order to blame it on the Jews.

You want to make history? Please help Israel and the Arab nations to have these Arabs settle in any and all of the 22-Arabs countries or have them settle in Jordan its population is already made of mostly Arab-‘Palestinians.’ In Jordan they will have no problem to acclimate as they will automatically be among their own people.

Can you please tell me why the so very rich Arab nations do not help out their own people to come out of their hopeless condition? Makes no sense to me; does it make any sense to you? Reality is that they do not wish to help their brethren. They want them to remain the front line working to destroy Israel. They feed them with more hate and supply them with rockets and weapons to use against Israel as part of their advancement to world domination.

We have seen videos where Hamas has brutally murdered their own people and Fatah members, or how proud they were throwing bound and blindfolded men off 3 story buildings, or killing a wedding party because they played music! Why is the world ignoring these facts? Why the media avoids telling the truth? Why don’t we hear the truth from you?

It appears as if the world is OK with Arabs killing Arabs and with Arabs killing Jews, but it is no OK when Jews, forced to defend themselves, kill few Arabs.

Can you please tell me what happened to the Christian-Arabs once lived in these ‘Palestinian’ areas? Do you know what the ‘Palestinians’ did to the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem? Do you know that only a week ago these ‘Palestinians’ desecrated Christian graves? On second thought, perhaps you choose not to know the truth.

The most amazing part is how easy it was to feed these lies and history revision to the world and the media that is in fact liberal or even far left activists has helped them, in many ways, to spread those lies.

I wonder how those in political positions of power, including you, can look themselves in the mirror when they know they deny the truth and openly support the agenda of ruthless despotism, and jihadism. After all Islam, that is by far not a ‘religion of peace,’ is at war with the western world and other civilizations and since the time of Muhammad the Muslims have slaughtered some 270 million human beings and they are still at it.

Mr. Obama, again, please tell me why and for what purpose you are meeting and dealing with Abbas-Abu-Mazen, a man who denies the Holocaust and has publicly declared Israel must be driven into the sea as well as repeatedly and very recently stated that he will not recognize Israel as a Jewish State?

Lastly, please do the world a great favor; don’t tie the 2-state solution ridiculous notion to the mega problems we have with Iran. Even the Arab nations are terrified of nuclear Iran as you should be too. If you do not immediately deal with Iran [and North Korea] forcefully and with heavy hand your legacy will be a US President who brought about a nuclear WWIII!

With kind regards,

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