Friday, June 26, 2009

The Real UN Resolution 242

Sammy Benoit‏

Please know the truth and tell all others…

Speaking candidly, by Israel leaving the entire Sinai Peninsula and Gaza, Israel adhered to UN Resolution 242 way beyond anything called for… Sinai and Gaza are roughly 92% of all the land Israel gained, fair and square, in 1967 Six Day War! But by repeating for many years what they really wanted the resolution to say, which it clearly does not, the Arabs propaganda succeeded convincing way too many people to accept their distorted interpretation of 242, now appears to be the accepted fact.
Speaking candidly, by Israel leaving the entire Sinai Peninsula and Gaza, Israel adhered to UN Resolution 242 way beyond anything called for… Sinai and Gaza are roughly 92% of all the land Israel gained, fair and square, in 1967 Six Day War! But by repeating for many years what they really wanted the resolution to say, which it clearly does not, the Arabs propaganda succeeded convincing way too many people to accept their distorted interpretation of 242, now appears to be the accepted fact.

It will be wise for Israel’s leadership to recites each word in the Resolution as it seems they also bought into the Arab lie and are acting upon this lie as well.

It is easier for people, including all those leaders...yes Obama is among them, who are bashing and pressuring Israel about the issue to either remain ignorant or to deliberately ignore the facts, and as the saying goes: “The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see…” Ayn Rand

But let us not for one moment forget that we are talking about Israel and when it comes to Jews and Israel there is one set of ‘special’ rules that apply to her and them which is totally different from the set of rules that apply to the entire world.

From now on when you hear a diplomat, politician, newsman, anti-Israel anti-Semite, or terrorist say that 242 Resolution calls for Israel to withdraw from the territories please send them a copy of this article with a note telling them the bias is pouring out of their mouths.

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