Friday, January 29, 2010

The enclosed picture shows a "garbage truck" working in the city of Gaza…

It was captured by the IDF.

In fact, this is hidden missile truck…

They also have ambulances which carry missiles and ammunition.

When the IDF shoots at such vehicles, the "civilized world" cries out in outrage.
And here is the rest of it.


  1. Doc:

    I have a friend with a magazine that would like to reprint this. Do you know who took it or who owns the copyright if anyone?

    simpson DOT truth @ gmail Dot com

  2. James,
    I am embarrassed by not having the link-I do apologize-will check several sources-may be one of my intelligence sources-doc

  3. Anonymous8:07 PM

    This is a doctored photo of a dump truck. There is a good reason why this wasn't in the news. I looked up the number on the door. The phone number on the door is for Barbados, not Palestine. Someone then photo-shopped "rocket tubes" (which is pretty phony, since you don't see the rest of the tubes under the bed of the truck) and added a sign in Arabic on the door, which can be mean anything. Even the hotel sign in the picture shows a tropical logo, which is expected for a Caribbean island.

  4. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Thanks George. Good point about the rest of the tubrs not being visible underneath. I got this email today and wanted to check into it a little before passing it along. There are too many legitimate things to report on. Passing along hoaxes only takes away the legitimacy of the real ones.

  5. Anonymous6:51 AM

    This doesn't prove that the tubes launch rockets, but here's a picture from another angle(a bit down the page, which is in Russian, so I don't know what they are writing), and the picture doesn't seem to be doctored:

    Also, having lived in Israel for a number of years, I know 052 is a valid Israeli cell phone service prefix.

    Again, not proof of any rocket firing, but just to help the search for truth..
