Thursday, January 28, 2010

Results Not Rhetoric

Tim Wilson

Having listened to President Obama give his State of the Union address, numerous matters sprang to mind. While he is undoubtedly a very able orator, this was a speech with little real passion and with few new ideas or approaches. While he grinned a hat tip to the recent political events in New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts, there was no sign of any change of course. Nor was there any sign that he was listening to the People, who could not have spoken more clearly than in those elections. Instead there was a statement of his determination to carry on with his plans regardless, while continuing to blame all of the problems on the previous 8 years. There was also a less than subtle indication that the Republicans, having regained the ability to filibuster, will be blamed by him for any legislation which fails to pass, no matter how lousy or partisan it may be. On jobs, the economy and unemployment, there was nothing significant other than a declaration that he would carry on with existing plans. The results of that are already plain, with a net loss of over 3 million jobs despite the White House claims of “two million jobs created or saved”. I noted that the examples he gave were of a few thousand new jobs, many thousands of teachers jobs “saved” and a small handful of other examples. But the fact is that he promised that his stimulus bill, rammed through before most people could read it at enormous cost (and including lots of those earmarks he’d promised to veto) was essential to keep unemployment at or below 8% - it failed to do so! He likewise made much of the tax cuts he pushed through Congress, but I have not noticed any beneficial effect on my income, and I suspect neither have most others?
On government spending, he dressed up his intentions to keep going by claiming that he would find efficiency savings to offset his own excessive spending of over $1Tr, and stated that he had already found a $20Bn saving. Only another $980 Bn to go then Mr. President – where is that going to come from? As I mentioned last night, before the speech, he could have taken the opportunity of this speech to lead by example and to cut his own expenditures and called on Congress to do the same. No sign of that! As for the spending freeze, the brilliant Charles Krauthammer has already pointed out that it applies to less than 1/6th of “discretionary” spending, and in fact locks in the enormous increases which the President has already achieved during his first year in office. In other words it ensures no cuts to expanded government – a 36% increase for the EPA as one example.
On security, our other great concern, there were 8 paragraphs of rhetoric with no sign of any new approach or significant change. Considering the whole speech was over 110 paragraphs, that allocation of less than 8% fits with his actions. Guantanamo is still to be closed, terrorists are still to be treated as criminals and the trials of 9/11 involved terrorists will be in civilian court regardless of the consequences. President Obama apparently believes American values are capable of winning wars, reducing threats and pacifying enemies. He seems never to have heard of the concepts of “speak softly and carry a big stick” or “an iron fist in a velvet glove”. On Iran, he has already allowed deadline after deadline to pass, working through the “international community” to no benefit – his rhetoric of “serious consequences” has had no follow-up. The soft and inefficient sanctions are not working on Iran or North Korea. Dictators do not respect words, Mr. President, they respect strength. America is strong, but appears weakly led to them!
I believe anyone who takes comfort from this speech is doomed to disappointment. As with his pre-election promises on transparency, the economy, jobs, security, lobbying, earmarks and security President Obama shows no signs of results on any of his “change” – except in increasing government interference in every aspect of our lives. He even continues to push for health care reform – with a public option still obviously his aim. He appears to remain intent on his own aims, regardless of the will of the People. I was concerned before his election with his lack of leadership credentials. I grow ever more convinced my concerns were valid. The more or less enthusiastic, mostly partisan, applause of Congress may give President Obama some comfort, but he provided none to me. I will judge him on his results, not his rhetoric. I suspect many others will do the same.

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