Saturday, March 27, 2010

Obama: Passover Wrap Up, "Next Year In Jerusalem ," Deemed "Provocative"

Shana Habbab (AP White House Correspondent)

(AP) — An unidentified Israeli official has confirmed that private discussions between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu included an urgent request from the President that the traditional closing refrain “next year in Jerusalem” be deleted during the upcoming Passover holiday, calling the ancient passage provocative and unhelpful for the future of peace talks. Calling it “an easy fix,” Obama strongly urged the Jewish People to replace it with “next year in peace” or “next year in Tel Aviv,” leaving the exact wording to final status talks between Israelis and Palestinians. Netanyahu is said to have balked at the request, indicating that the refrain dates back well before the UN Partition of 1947 and well before the U.S. Declaration of Independence, for that matter. The Prime Minister reportedly attempted to diffuse the situation by offering to remove it from the conclusion of the lesser-known Yom Kippur service, and suggesting the phrase was defunct anyway since Jews have controlled all of Jerusalem since 1967. However, a visibly irritated President Obama flatly rejected the compromise, adding it was another indication the “stiff-necked” Prime Minister did not appear “serious about peace.”

Shortly after the meeting, both sides issued a terse statement saying that no agreement had been reached on the matter.

Comment: Need anything more be said or written in order to confirm the Obama Administration's position relative to Israel? This action regarding centuries old statement made in the name of Jewish people world-wide demonstrates his agenda. He is willing to ignore the facts, the history in order to fulfill his personal beliefs. He does not speak for his country, rather he has elected to use his position as a country's leader to fulfill his own personal vendetta it appears to me. This is the height of arrogance as well as power out of control. No Jew should now question Obama's willingness to undo thousands of years of history and you had best understand that he uses Jews to undermine a nation that fought hard and long to become a state among the international community.


  1. It is regrettable you carried this highly irresponsible post without checking its authenticity
    It has already taken wings on the net
    Whoever thought it was wise to post thsi in the first place and then claim that it was satirical clearly does not understand how easily people can be misled
    AP is right to be extremely angry about having their name hijacked in this dangerous and damaging way

  2. You are correct and my apology immediately was placed on this blog-in addition the same correction was sent to my email list. I do find it most curious that the AP is not equally or more so upset with the ongoing lies from Abbas et al-I find it curious the AP and other individuals do not find it upsetting when the Palestinian TV media and print media (controlled by Abbas himself)continue to display material that incites their population against Jews and Israel-have you seen such condemnation from the AP? I find it curious that the so-called "building incident" has been so misrepresented by the media and yet no concern from the AP or others that this ,too, was misrepresented.

  3. Anyone who can scrape two brain cells together and form a cogent thought can see that this was a parody of what transpired in the White House this past week. If AP is "extremely angry" so be it, after all if they spent their time reporting facts instead editorializing and taking sides of any given conflict they wouldn't be so angry as an organization.

  4. Anonymous2:22 PM

    LOL! Even the fact that this obvious joke could be taken so seriously by so many is clear indication how low Obama went in his war on Israel. Keep up the good work!

  5. Sadly some of the outrageous behaviour of 0bama and his administration, particularly in the disgraceful way he treated Netanyahu, makes almost anything seem possible
    So called satire can so easily misfire that it is always a risky ploy in my view,and the fact it started to circulate shows just how far we feel Obama has taken the route many of us feared and started to abandon America's special relationship with Israel.
    So much for the hundreds of thousands of Jewish voters who wrongly judged he would be good for Israel and the Jews!
    And by the way, I like to think I can scrape two brain cells, together and form a cogent thought, so I'm not sure I appreciate your questioning that.

  6. Joywol,

    Appreciate your last reply-Fernando represents a group of individuals who resorts to distasteful language when a cogent idea is not available-yes the piece has a broader message and reminders to those of us who value facts-to my regret I missed this one and vigilance is the reminder-doc

  7. Bwahahaha! You hit the nail right on the head, which is why so many are angry. Good for you.

  8. check out the name of the 'reporter', a certain Shana Habbab...obviously short for Shana HabbabYirushalayim...

  9. Uzi-little late and thank you-please note that an immediate correction/apology appeared on my blog as did I send same to my list-all occurred within 45 minutes of posting-
