Monday, April 26, 2010

Give up the nukes?


Our nuclear arsenal, rather than acting as a deterrent, is actually an accelerator to the next war as it inspires others to pursue their own nuclear ambitions.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made a mistake in not attending the International Nuclear Summit in Washington earlier this month. Not only should he have attended, but he should have also dropped this (pardon the pun) bombshell: “Israel is now prepared to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.” That, of course, would lead to a reverse in the decades’ long policy of obfuscation about our nuclear program, admitting publicly for the first time what everyone already knows. Netanyahu should not have stopped there. He should also have seized the opportunity – and the world’s stage – to declare Israel’s willingness to not only open up its nuclear facilities for inspection, but also a desire to reduce, and eventually completely decommission, our entire nuclear arsenal.

What could justify such a dramatic reversal of policy? It is not, as some readers might assume, because I am a wild-eyed, naïve liberal who never found a weapons system I didn’t hate nor a war worth pursuing. To the contrary, most people who know me would consider me a part of the right-of-center camp. Indeed, as a student of realpolitik, I firmly believe in not only the projection of power (as a necessity for deterrence) but also actual power itself.

And if I ever had any doubts, I eerily completed writing the above sentence just as the soul-piercing siren blasted here in Israel to commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day. Upon hearing it, I dutifully rose from my chair and stood silently in contemplation. For those two minutes during which this siren rang on the outside, the conviction to never allow Jews to relinquish the ability to defend themselves rang equally powerfully on my inside.

SO WHAT gives? Why should Israel voluntarily relinquish its nuclear weaponry, our most powerful commitment to and meaningful expression of the phrase “never again”? There are two answers: The world has changed, and our values have not.

Let’s talk about the world first. When Israel developed nuclear weapons, our neighborhood was populated by some very dangerous – but marginally rational – states. The threat of being wiped off the map by an Israel that felt it had no other available option provided the necessary incentive for these states to behave slightly more rationally and slightly less dangerously. Nuclear weapons, therefore, made sense. In deterring our enemies from taking too risky a gamble at destroying us, they lowered the flame of both the potential for war as well as the intensity of one if in fact it broke out.

Today, however, our nuclear arsenal is beginning to play an entirely different role. Rather than keeping the flame low, it is inspiring others to pursue their own nuclear ambitions – and unfortunately, it is our justified desire to prevent these ambitions from being fulfilled that might ignite the next significant war. So rather than serving as a deterrent for war, it might actually become an accelerator. Additionally, it might very well be the relative powerlessness of these states that has inspired them to use terror proxies to attack us on our northern and southern borders.

Which leads me to the next point: The greatest threat to Israel’s existence today does not emanate from these dangerous state actors alone, but also from a variety of dangerous nonstate actors – such as terrorist entities which might somehow acquire a small nuclear device capable of being concealed in a suitcase.

Against such a threat, our nuclear arsenal is impotent. After all, unlike our enemies of days gone by, these terrorists have no address to send a return package. Worse still, they would enjoy nothing more than the chaos and condemnation created by pushing Israel into a corner where it might actually push the button. In such a new world, the once sanguine policy of mutually assured destruction (MAD) is simply mad.

And then, of course, there are our values, which thankfully have not changed. Simply put, Judaism cherishes life and commands us to pursue policies that protect it at every turn – first, of course, the lives of our own people (as is the responsibility of every state), but also significantly, the lives of innocent people everywhere.

A few decades ago, the policy of nuclear ambiguity fulfilled this directive beautifully. War was minimized because the threat to our enemies of annihilation was not. Today, Israel must continue to project power in a number of ways to continue to protect life, and for that reason I am a firm believer in a strong army and a strong – and immediate – response to any threat confronting the country.

But the projection of nuclear power is not one of those ways. If Iran acquires the bomb, what will happen? Are we prepared to preemptively launch a nuclear attack sure to kill millions of innocent civilians? I can’t imagine that would be the case; such a scenario, one very much unlike our preemptive military attack in 1967, is the polar opposite of our commitment to life.
On the other hand, if our nuclear weapons are used merely in response to an Iranian attack, that means we’re all probably dead and Israel is an uninhabitable wasteland. In such a case, our arsenal is not a deterrent but rather a tool for vengeance.

TODAY, THE most important nuclear goals we can pursue are to prevent Iran from acquiring such weapons and to limit nuclear technology in such a way as to minimize the risk of it falling into the hands of a terrorist organization. Our nuclear arsenal cannot help in either cause.

If, however, we become the first nuclear power to voluntarily eliminate our nuclear stockpile – a stockpile, as I suggest above, which no longer helps us anyway – we are in an infinitely better position to pursue both of these goals. We remove the alleged justification for any of our enemies to pursue their own nuclear program. We remove any hesitation other states might have harbored as an excuse to pursue sanctions against Iran – and military intervention if it becomes necessary.

No longer can it be argued that Iran is simply defending itself. Or that a double standard exists. Or that the world’s tolerance of Israel’s nuclear program means that everyone has a right to the technology. On the positive side, it allows Israel to not only attend these conferences on nuclear policy with its head held high, but also frees us to take a leadership position in the decommissioning of nuclear weapons everywhere.

And that might just change the world yet again, this time for the better – and thanks to our values.

The writer is a Jerusalem-based rabbi and lawyer with an international relations degree from Georgetown University. He is the author of The Accidental Zionist (New Song Publishers) and runs the blog Joyous Judaism.

Guest Comment: Ian (Chaim) Pear is an Israeli, rabbi, lawyer with an international relations degree from Georgetown University, the author of The Accidental Zionist and a blogger Joyous Judaism: He now puts the blame on Israel. "Our nuclear arsenal, rather than acting as a deterrent, is actually an accelerator to the next war as it inspires others to pursue their own nuclear ambitions."

Ian (Chaim) Pear is just another one on the list of the insane persons ready to strip Israel of all its ability to defend itself. Pear is another nutcase who is willing to believe that when it comes to Jews, the world has changed and our Jewish values will save us... or if Israel drops the bombshell that it has nuclear capability and it announce it will dismantle it, it will cause the world to change for the better and Iran will over night cease its nuclear ambition to drop one, just one, bomb on Israel and Israel will be poof and gone...that Israel's conventional arms will be a sufficient deterrent against nuclear Iran, Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah, Egypt! Yeah, right!?

We need to ask Mr. pear, why does he think Iran is simply defending itself? From whom? Israel!? When in the history of modern Israel it ever announced it will attack any country? Isn't the 62 years old picture is crystal clear that Israel's need for a strong and well equipped army is solely to be able to defend itself from its enemies that surround it waiting for the prey to fall into their mouth? Can you imagine how rich Israel would have been if all it needed is an army like Switzerland has?

Really Mr. Pear? There is no more anti-Semitism in the world? No one in our fine world wants to see Israel perish, Jews exterminated? Are you deaf to hear the now, just like in 1938, anti-Semitism sounds heard as loud as the Mosques' Al-Moazens are calling for prayer?!

We need to ask Pear: Is it OK for Iran to have nuclear weapons that will destroy Israel in one second?

On Saturday, April 17, 2010, TEHRAN - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said that the use of weapons of mass destruction is haram (Haram means forbidden in Islam) (source: Tehran Times) (

The Leader stated that "any use of nuclear weapons, and even any threat to use such weapons, is a serious violation of human rights and a war crime." ... excluding Israel of course!

There is no reason not to believe the Iranian regime that denies the Holocaust, that blames Israel for starting every war in the region, that is totally irrational, genocidal, anti-Semitic; there is no reason not to believe Iran's Supreme Leader madman, who believes that all Jews are nefarious and are redundant in this world, is there, Mr. Pear?!


1 comment:

  1. I certainly do not want to strip Israel of its right to defend itself. If you read the column carefully, I consider myself in the national camp. I believe in the need to fight our enemies; I believe in building in Yehuda v'Shomron; I'm against releasing terrorists.

    I'm also, importantly, for stopping Iran - or any of our enemies - from getting nukes. And I'm aware that that probably means we'll have to take them out militarily. And we will continue to have to do this anytime anyone rises with the ambition to acquire nuclear weapons.

    I just don't think our possession of nuclear weapons helps us on any of those fronts. I'd be interested in hearing a respone to that point - i.e., how do our NUCLEAR weapons help us in today's world when a terrorist with a bomb nor a madman in Iran cannot be deterred by our arsenal? I know we have to defend ourselves - and I certainly don't want to tie the hands of the IDF - but I just don't see how our nuclear weapons help. Most of what you write was simply a rhetorical explanation of why someone should be on the right of the political spectrum - and I agree. But it did not shed light on the topic at hand. I'm certainly open to hear such ideas if you have them.
