Thursday, April 29, 2010

Idioms' Talk...Ponder!

By Nurit Greenger

I find it amazing how much nothing changed in the world and how much of the wisdom of then applies today.

How much we have not learned from the past that paved the presence. How much of the mistakes of the past we are willing to reaped in the present even though we are told not to.

Let us play the idioms' game. We all know that 'Mountain to mountain do not meet…people do!' But when people meet, doesn't it feel as if they are as apart as the mountain that never meet?

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."—Albert Einstein, and here I thought that creativity comes from within.

'If Liberty means anything, it is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.' Most people do not want to hear the truth, thus do not really cherish liberty.

"MONEY never starts an IDEA; it is always the IDEA that starts the MONEY."—Forbes, March 24, 1997. What really comes first, the idea or the money!?

They say that "If you do not ask, the answer is always NO."—Forbes, April 21, 1997. It appears that most people do not ask, thus prefer to live in the 'NO' world.

"What luck for rulers that men do not think."—Adolph Hitler...Yet men still do not think and allow rulers like Adolf Hitler [Nazi Germany], Kim Jong Ill [North Korea], Hugo Rafael Chávez [Venezuela], Mahmoud Ahmadinejad [Iran], Fidel Alejandro Castro [Cuba], even Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin [Russia] and Barack Hussein Obama govern over them.

They say that 'Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me,' yet, nowadays, words and cartoons insult and hurt the Moslems and to retaliate they will throw stones at you and beat you to break your bones.

Passivity and apathy: At the height of the American Revolution Edmund Burke said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Given the state of current events around the world, these words are just as true today. The world is passive and drown in apathy while evil is triumphing everywhere.

"Never argue with an idiot; they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." So we do not argue with politicians and they get away with ruining our lives.

"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.“--Eleanor Roosevelt, yet, we repeat those mistakes over and over again and then when we leave the world, the mess remains behind but we hope that others will fix it.

"For if you keep silent at a time like this," what will happen? The silence will be deafening and very little maybe done to change what needs to be changed.

For all the religious fanatics...”I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.”--Gerry Spence, this should be the first page of the Koran.

The United States Constitution 2nd amendment tells us that "It is now the right of all the citizens to protect themselves from the legislator and government officials..." Look at what is shaping and is happening in our country today; how the tables have turned.

"We are not hated for who we are. We are hated for what we do. It is not our principles that have spawned pandemic hatred of America in the Islamic world. It is our policies.—Where the Right Went Wrong—Patrick J. Buchanan

"A committee can make a decision that is dumber than any of its members."—David Coblitz. Isn't how our government and its members operate today?

'Islamophobia' is a term thrown around these days to condemn anyone who dares to tell the truth about the source of global terrorism. For example: The Organization of Islamic Conferences (OIC) claims that it is "offensive," "irresponsible" and "insensitive" to describe the self-professed Muslim jihadists who kill in the name of Allah as Islamist fundamentalist extremists or Muslim terrorists. But that is exactly who they are. The Obama government is of the same mindset. This means that man is not allowed to think clear and he is required to lie to himself and think political correctness all the time. Isn't is debilitating?

When political correctness—meaning lying—is out the window the term Islamophobia becomes rather meaningless.

Many pundits keep on telling us that "Israel must have defensible borders, and Jerusalem must be united." Yet, by giving up Gaza, by restricting building in Judea and Samaria, which are land that legally belongs to Jews, and by even contemplating giving some of its own land to create an Arab state they want to call Palestine, Israel is not aiming to have defensible borders. And the fact that there is even a discussion of united or not united Jerusalem raising eye brows of what Israel's real intention is.

"Israel is His apple and He will protect her." While our scriptures must inspire us and we must have faith that He will protect us, isn't it the best to know that we can depend on ourselves to protect and defend us?

The play on words can go forever; the lessons of the past are right in front of our face to learn from, to grasp and to never repeat mistakes. The question is do we?

Remember, "Happiness is like a bank account you withdraw later on in life what you have deposited in it over the years..."

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