Thursday, July 29, 2010

Obama's Empty Gestures on Israel

Ed Lasky

Martin Indyk, America's former Ambassador to Israel, pulls back the curtain and reveals that Obama's recent show of courtesy towards our ally Israel is just for domestic policy purposes. In a Q and A, Indyk, who is an Obama supporter and a sympathizer with J Street (a lobby that wants to pressure Israel and admits to having the " President's back"), is asked about Obama's recent outreach towards Israel -- a stark departure from The President's behavior since assuming office.
... the Jewish factor is always a critical factor for Democratic candidates. I don't think it's telling any secrets that there are a lot of people who have been upset with President Obama. And I think that the White House came to the understanding that they have a real problem there and they are going out of their way trying to show (emphasis mine) they are friendly to Israel and committed to peace. Republicans will try to exploit the anger, and Democrats will do their best to convince there is no reason for anger.

All politics, all the time. November mid-term elections are approaching and Obama's treatment of Israel (and Democrats' acquiescence to the same -- with a few notable exceptions) is coming back to haunt them.

Now it appears that Congress does not trust President Obama to enforce the laws. We all should know that by now, but Congress seems to be calling Obama out regarding enforcing Iran sanctions legislation. An article in the Jerusalem Post reports on efforts in Congress to push the government towards enforcing legislation passed by Congress to dissuade Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

That willingness is being backed by a Congress that itself is playing a more assertive role than ever in insisting on enforcement of its legislation, including comprehensive sanctions signed into law this month.

"There has been sanctions legislation before. There have not been sanctions before," Ted Deutch (D-Florida) told The Jerusalem Post Tuesday after appearing on a panel addressing Iran sanctions organized by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.

"You'll see over the coming days and weeks a real emphasis on ensuring that the comprehensive bill that was just passed is actually implemented, that the timelines are met, that the companies are identified, that ultimately sanctions are imposed on those companies."

And to make sure that there will be enforcement of the current laws, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is holding an unusual hearing examining the implementation of Iran sanctions on Thursday.

"If you look at the oversight and government reform committee, there are very few foreign policy issues that appear on its agenda," said Mark Dubowitz, executive director of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, who will testify at the hearing.

"I would say Congress is obsessed with this issue and relentless in getting their laws enforced, certainly in a way that we haven't seen in 15 years" of legislation on the subject.

And I would say that Congress does not trust Barack Obama to enforce the laws -- a duty he has sworn to uphold in the Presidential Oath of Office. Apparently, Congress does not have a high degree of confidence either in his competency or his interest in doing fulfilling his duty to enforce the laws. Remember an Iranian bomb is a nightmare for the world.

Page Printed from: at July 28, 2010 - 08:59:01 PM CDT

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