Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why are Jewish philanthropies supporting Media Matters?

Thomas Lifson

Why are four Jewish community philanthropic foundations supporting an antisemitic website? Prof. Alan Dershowitz has brought appropriate attention to the antisemitism of Media Matters for America, and now thanks to the Daily Caller, it has been revealed that Media Matters has been receiving contributions from the Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston, Inc; Community Foundation of United Federation of San Diego; Jewish Communal Fund; Jewish Community Foundation of Cleveland. Clarice Feldman draws our attention to this bizarre fact at the PJ Tatler. She writes: "These organizations should be called to account for their actions by their own contributors."

Indeed they should.
But the left wing takeover of Jewish philanthropy has been well underway for many years. Last year Allon Friedman and Elliot Bartky wrote about efforts to change the appropriation of funds intended for Jewish causes into leftist coffers. It is time for a revolution in Jewish philanthropy, purging the miscreants who divert funds to antismites.

Read more:

1 comment:

  1. The Jewish Community Foundation began as a part of Federation in 1968 and has since separated completely from the Jewish Federation of San Diego County on December 28, 2005, as supported by Articles of Incorporation.

    The Jewish Federation of San Diego County would like to make clear that we do not have influence on the contributions and allocations of the Jewish Community Foundation, and has no comment on the matter.

    Thank you!
