Monday, December 24, 2012

Un-merry Christmas to Christians from Islam

Is Islam tolerant of Christianity? Muslims say yes, but what are the facts?

Mullahs around the world warn Muslims not to respond to the words 'Merry Christmas'. If Jesus is the 'prince of peace', it makes Mohammed look bad. In the last years of his life, Mohammed led and commanded violent aggression every six weeks. Mohammed was the 'prince of jihad'.

Muslims believe angels announced the birth of Jesus, but Muslims do not believe the Gospel where the angels said, "Peace on earth." Peace with Kafirs is not possible. The Christmas greeting to Christians around the world is still the same as it was in 630 AD: "Aslim, Taslam!" (Surrender to Islam and be safe). Where Christians do not surrender to Islamic terrorists, their lives are now in danger.

For the Muslim, the world cannot be at peace until every government on earth follows the laws of Allah. The duty of Muslims is to create the conditions that drive non-Muslims into the arms of Sharia law, 'whether by persuasion or by force' as ibn Khaldun wrote.

If Christians won't voluntarily change their laws to Shari'a, then it is the duty of every Muslim to induce Christians in three ways: violence, extortion or enslavement.

Muslims around the world are particularly aware of Christianity at Christmas time when they become even more determined to impose Sharia. This leads to jihad attacks in churches in Egypt, Pakistan, Nigeria and Indonesia. Attacking worshipping Christians is jihad. The purpose is to discourage them from their non-Islamic worship. In Nigerian churches, most women have been asked not to bring a purse and armed guards stand at the door with metal detectors to screen every worshipper. This is because jihadists are taught in the hadiths to lull enemies of Allah into trust before betraying them. Every person entering a church might be a jihadist.

The purpose of jihad is to implement discriminatory Sharia. Sharia is not benign to Christians.
The purpose of Sharia is to destroy Christian and other cultures and replace them with theocratic totalitarianism. Jihad is the method for imposing Sharia. Jihad is aggressive: it can take the form of deception or disinformation, robbery, lawsuits or it can be violent with the destruction of property or assassination of church leaders. All jihad is good because it is Mohammed's sacred method.
Since 1990 in Nigeria, some 1000 Christians have been murdered by jihadists every year. Probably, the number is much higher with many jihad-motivated murders being put down as ordinary homicides or accidental manslaughters. Most of the jihad murders take place in northern Nigeria where Islamist want to impose Sharia law.

Nigeria has one of the highest scholarship rates in Africa. As Nigerians gain graduate and post-graduate degrees, they often leave Islam and switch to Christianity which they identified with Western progress. Islamists see going to university as the problem. Better to stay at home, memorize the Koran and remain loyal to Mohammed, the perfect man, than to learn to improve society, build infrastructure, services, health sciences or engineering in the country.

Boko Haram (meaning 'Western education is taboo') is the main Islamic terror group fighting the rapid Christianization of Nigeria. They are now allied with Al Qaeda. Their trademark is to attack congregation while they are worshipping or throw bombs into restaurants where Christians eat after services. This is ethnic cleansing and genocide. Mohammed ethnically cleansed the Jewish tribes in Arabia, so it is normative Islam. Boko Haram wants to ethnically cleanse Christians from northern Nigeria. Mohammed's ethnic cleansing method goes like this: intimidate, humiliate and expropriate until you can annihilate.

Most of the countries that are now Islamic were once Christian. The Christian presence in Turkey is almost nil, and in most of North Africa it is tiny, but it was once close to 100% in all of them. What changed things was Sharia law. Under discriminatory Sharia law, Christians must live in an inferior social status to Muslims, they must wear clothing that humiliates them, they must never ride on a horse, they must pay a punitive tax, they must never speak about Islam or the Koran, they must never ring their church's bell, they must never have an outdoor religious ceremony or speak to a Muslim about Christianity, they must move aside when a Muslim walks down the street. As well, no new churches may be built and old ones may never be repaired unless hefty bribes are given to the authorities. The policy of Sharia is to systemically make life difficult for Christians to practice their faith, all the while encouraging them to convert.

Then there is the 'love jihad'. Mohammed started this with the comment 'marry one woman (out of four wives) for the religion'. Muslim men have taken this as a commandment to abduct a Christian girl, confine her and then declare her to be married without her consent. The girl's family is then told she has converted to Islam and they may never see her. Police do nothing, because it's Sharia and Sharia trumps any man-made law. No one can estimate how many Christian girls have been abducted and sequestered in the 'love jihad', but the fact that many African Christians tattoo a cross on the forehead and cheeks of their girls speaks volumes.

The reason Christians were not substantially cleansed from Islamic countries until the Turkish genocides of 1915-1924 is because Christians were used for a supply of jizzya [dhimmi tax] and they were very useful in medicine, the arts, building and garbage removal. Turkey ethnically cleansed three million Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Christians to confiscate their wealth and properties for a government at war that was strapped for ready cash. The Young Turks were also jihadists hoping to make Turkey the capital of a global caliphate promoting Sharia law. Discriminatory Sharia law is like a ratchet that only tightens a bolt even though it apparently moves back and forwards. Sharia only benefits Islam.

So when Americans hear the church bells ring on Christmas Eve, remember that Christians worshipping in Islamic regions like northern Nigeria may hear the sound of bombs thrown in the church door, guns shooting down the main aisle or the sound of fire on the church roof.
Merry Christmas.
Written by Kenneth Roberts

Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam

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