Wednesday, July 31, 2013

COP: Incredible statement...I am beyond words

Obama: If There Were More Gov Workers, Deficit Would be Lower, Tax Revenues Would be Higher


Maybe instead of asking for his birth certificate, we should have been asking for his first grade math scores. Sometimes the only response to something so insanely stupid is an old meme.
Barack Obama – citing the job losses since he took office — said “the economy would be much better off,” unemployment would be 6.5 percent and the national deficit would be in decline if there were more federal, state and local government workers.
“If those layoffs had not happened, if public sector employees grew like they did in the past two recessions, the unemployment rate would be 6.5 instead of 7.5,” Obama said. “Our economy would be much better off, and the deficit would still be going down because we would be getting more tax revenue.”
This isn’t one of those, “If a train going over the cliff at 1000 miles an  hour passes another train that’s on fire and being attacked by coyotes, which of them is more like Obama” puzzles.

Numbers are finite. If you add more government workers, then you have to pay for them. Tax revenues from employed government workers is never going to begin to equal the tax revenues spent on paying their salaries. And that means the deficit will go up, barring some of the deceptive number games that Obama Inc. has been playing.

At some point in his second term, Obama decided to give up even pretending to feint at the truth and just begin telling crazy lies on the assumption that his supporters can’t tell the difference.
“Yes I care about the economy. That’s why I support illegal alien amnesty because drastically increasing social welfare spending will make our economy boom. Then I propose to hire lots of government workers to cut the deficit. Then I’m going to steal all your wallets and buy Michelle one of those cloned thousand dollar burgers I keep hearing about so you’ll have more jobs.”
Obama used to put more effort into his crazy lies. It’s a shame to see him go downhill this way.

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