Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Is Egypt the Next Syria? Qaradawi Calls on Muslims around the World to Wage Jihad in Egypt

Daniel Greenfield 

Call this the Syrianization of Egypt. It’s pretty close to a call for a civil war backed by foreign fighters.It’s the clearest signal yet from a key Muslim Brotherhood figure that he intends to do to Egypt what he did to Syria. If the call was made from Qatar, that would suggest that Qatar will back this war on Egypt the way it has backed a war on Syria.

There have been already claims that many of the hundreds of thousands of Syrian Sunni refugees in Egypt are participating in Muslim Brotherhood riots. But this would take things to the next level.

Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi—one of the most influential Islamic clerics in the world, author of over 100 books on Muslim doctrine, head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, and spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood—has just posted a new video where he calls on all the Muslims of the world to come and wage jihad with their lives in Egypt on behalf of “what’s right”—that is, the return to power of the Muslim Brotherhood.
He called on everyone and anyone—the “sons of Al Azhar,” businessmen, journalists—and from all around the world, specifically mentioning Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Senegal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan.
Qaradawi called on them to be shuhada, “martyrs” who sacrifice their lives in the course of the jihad. Several Egyptian religious authorities have expressed surprise at Qaradawi’s reckless call for jihad in Egypt, saying the latter is not part of Dar al-Harb (Abode of War) where jihad should be waged to bring non-Muslims under Islamic authority, but rather is part of the Islamic world, where Islamic authorities like Qaradawi should be calling for peace, not promoting more bloodshed between Muslims.
The dirty little secret of the Muslim world is that Muslims kill each other in the name of Islam more often than they do non-Muslims. And the objection hasn’t stopped Al Qaeda from declaring non-Islamists or even fellow Islamists, infidels.
Having Qaradawi step forward with something so blatantly Takfiri could be an interesting development in Jihadist doctrine.
A number of the countries that Qaradawi mentioned are known sources of Jihadist fighters. Specifically Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Jordan. Oddly Qaradawi failed to mention any Gulf states suggesting that he has some quiet agreement with the Qataris and Saudis in place about that.

Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:
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