Wednesday, August 28, 2013

COP: 11,967 inconvenient facts

What do you get if you plot 11,967 tropical storm tracks over a map of the Earth?

NOAA did just that and what resulted is a nifty bit of historical documentation which illustrates quite nicely that hurricanes, cyclones and tropical storms occur naturally over time, and there is nothing unexpected about that.

In fact, 'the U.S. has experienced the fewest hurricanes during President Obama's time in office it has during any president's.  Perhaps Obama's promise that his election "was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and out planet began to heal" was not made entirely in vain after all.

o far, 2013 has seen historically low tropical storm activity in the North Atlantic, with none at all developing into hurricanes to date.  It has been eight years since a major hurricane hit the US, the longest such period since the Civil War.
The U.S. has experienced the fewest hurricanes during President Obama’s time in office it has of any president.  Perhaps Obama’s promise that his election “was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal” was not made in vain after all.
- See more at:
So far, 2013 has seen historically low tropical storm activity in the North Atlantic, with none at all developing into hurricanes to date.  It has been eight years since a major hurricane hit the US, the longest such period since the Civil War.
The U.S. has experienced the fewest hurricanes during President Obama’s time in office it has of any president.  Perhaps Obama’s promise that his election “was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal” was not made in vain after all.
- See more at:

Do you find it as frustrating as we do when the global warming people talk up a storm or other natural occurrence as if history just started yesterday?

Of course, they'll say anything, which is why CFACT remains committed to digging up the facts and sharing them with the public.  In this case 11,967 of them!

raig Rucker
Executive Director

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