Monday, February 18, 2008

Jordanian political and cultural organizations call for confronting "Western campaigns against Islam"

What "Western campaigns against Islam"? Why, the Motoons, of course. No word yet from these "Jordanian political and cultural organizations" on any plans to confront Osama bin Laden and others who have allegedly "hijacked" their peaceful religion "Jordanian political and cultural organizations call for Confronting Western Campaigns against Islam," from the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Amman : Political and cultural Jordanian organizations have denounced the western media campaigns against Islam and Muslims.
They condemned, in a statement released here today, re-publishing the drawings, which insult Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, by the Danish newspapers.

The organizations pointed out that these biased campaigns stand as a witness for the existing fanatic racial mobilization against the Muslims and their sanctities.

They called for boycotting Denmark at all economic, political and cultural domains in a gradual manner.

The organizations said the Danish government is fully aware of the fact that these campaigns against Islam and Muslims can never be justified by freedom of expression.

Why not?

The organizations underlined the importance of taking wise and practical measures for ending these campaigns against Islam.
Wise and practical. Hmmm. I expect that we shall see what they mean by that very soon.
Jihad Watch

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