Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Fitzgerald: How long do Islamic apologists think they can get away with this?

The comments by Councilman Steven Choi came at the close of a recent Chamber of Commerce election forum attended by the dozen candidates for Irvine office. Choi cautioned the audience of business and community leaders not to vote for a candidate who works for the Council on American-Islamic Relations – commonly known as CAIR – which he described as a "dangerous and Islamic organization."… "I was shocked to hear that a council candidate made those comments," Edah-Tally said. "I can see how this can create waves of division in the community" -- from this article

Does Issa Edah-Tally think that non-Muslims might be "shocked" to hear about, or read, what is contained in 9.29 and 9.5 of the Qur'an? Does he think they would be "shocked" to find out what is all over Sura 9, and in a hundred other places in the Qur'an, believed by Muslims to be the literal and immutable Word of God?

Does Issa Edah-Tally think that non-Muslims might be "shocked" to find out what is contained in the Hadith, the Hadith assigned a high rank of authenticity, in the most authoritative (Sahih) compilations by the most respected muhaddithin, such as Bukhari and Muslim?

Does Issa Edah-Tally think that the figure of Muhammad, uswa hasana, al-insan al-kamil, the Perfect Man according to Muslims, will forever be immune from study and criticism by non-Muslims? Non-Muslims, he must know, will be shocked indeed to find out about Muhammad's pleasure at the decapitation of the hundreds of bound prisoners of the Banu Qurayza, his attack on the inoffensive Jewish farmers of the Khaybar Oasis so as to help himself and his followers to women and to loot (and the razzia, or raiding party, on non-Muslims later became enshrined in the Jizyah, the tax on non-Muslims that supported the Muslim state), his delight in the murders of Abu Afak and Asma bint Marwan, murdered because of a satirical verse she dared to write about Muhammad.

Does Issa Edah-Tally think that all of this, such as Muhammad’s "marriage" to little Aisha when she was nine years old -- which is a Model for All Time for Muslims – will remain secret forever? Does he think that no Infidels know that Khomeini's first act, or close to it, was to reduce the legal marriageable age of girls in Iran to nine years? (For after all, that was the age of the last wife of Muhammad, the Perfect Man, when he married her.) Does Issa Edah-Tally think that all this and so much more will remain forever unknown to Infidels, when it is all -- all of it-- just a click away at a thousand websites, neatly laid out?

How long do Muslims think they can continue to hide from non-Muslims what is in the texts --- Qur'an, Hadith, Sira? How long do Muslims think they can continue to hide from non-Muslims also the history of Muslim conquest and subjugation of non-Muslims, a history that extends in time over 1350 years and in space from Spain to the East Indies? How long do they think they can avoid confronting Jihad directly? How long will bemused Infidels allow them to avoid daring to face, or even allude to, the issue of dhimmitude, as experienced by Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and even Hindus, over those 1350 years of Muslim subjugation. How long will Infidels allow Muslims to avoid the question of why no majority-Muslim state permits full freedom of religion, including the right of Muslims to abandon their religion for another faith, or no faith at all -- surely the most essential right if freedom of conscience is to mean anything?

Do Muslims think that they can continue indefinitely to get away with using Arab money to buy up academic centers, or found new ones? (See Esposito, John, and the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University.) Do they think that we will continue to listen to the apologists and propagandists, Muslim and non-Muslim, for Islam, who now make up about three-quarters of the members of MESA, or MESA Nostra, as it is known more and more? (For more about "MESA Nostra," see here.)

How long do they think they can get away with this, especially as we can look across the Atlantic and observe Muslim behavior in the countries of Western Europe?

Another ten years? Another five? How long?

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