A Jewish-American grandmother (in Paris no less) takes a direct hit on the first Jewish snuff film (The Great Schlep)
October 8, 2008
What do I know from Sarah Silverman, excuse me, but I’m too busy keeping one eye on Ahmadinejad’s raging nuclear ambitions and the other on our local punk jihadis…I don’t have time for low culture buzz… But this schmaltzy wannabe political commentator turned up on my screen, courtesy of the Jewish Council for Education and Research no less…and she’s shilling for Obama! Google it, The Great Schlep, it’ll give you heartburn. Seven million hits, dixit the New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/07/arts/television/07sara.html?scp=1&sq=sarah%20silverman&st=cse in a scrumptious spread of free publicity. She just might, says Dave Itzkoff, with a dash of false caution, slamdunk Florida into Obama’s basket with her brilliant comical dribble. Don’t you know the people laughing their pants off at this hilarious Jewxploitation will tell you Sarah Palin is a dumb hick. So Silverman is sophisticated? Kinderlich, your Sarah aint got no street smarts! She aint even got sofa smarts.
Sitting under an artsy portrait of Barack Hussein Obama she pours out a box of Cheerios-electioneering flavored for JEWS. And just in case you might be curious about her candidate’s genealogy, dig this, Barack means lightning in Hebrew. Awesome? Yeah except his poppa wasn’t no Hebrew and if you want to know what it means in his native tongue ast yer momma.
So what’s with this Long March of addled yiddishe dumbkupfs armed with cardboard machetes, goin’ down to Mizraim Florida to dig up votes for Barack Hussein? She’s tellin’ those yunguns to whip the old folks up’side the head and hustle them straight to the polls in chartered buses. If they don’t pull the chain for Obama, it’s off to the showers.
Sarah, sittin’ on the sofa talkin’ all that jive, worshipping that idol, disrespecting fathers and mothers, and swearing to épater les bobos is supposed to be thigh-slapping funny? You’d think she was the first stray idiot in history to run headlong to disaster, guzzling I love it, I want it, do it to me, give me sum more.
Bubbele, that is what grandparents are for—to make the link between the generations that have gone and the generations yet unborn, dror l’dror, the link by which we live in a century and not in a window of opportunity. And you think you’re clever, using grandparents to mop up Obama’s floor? Let me tell you how lucky we were to have them, our grandparents, who said goodbye to their mothers and fathers and came to America to be free. To live in dignity. The ones that stayed in Europe were persecuted, tracked, rounded up, humiliated, atrociously tortured, murder a hundred times over.
“The Jews went to the death camps like lambs to the slaughter.” That’s what we, today’s grandparents, had to hear when we were young. How did the Jews of Europe get trapped, foolish girl? The great exterminators looked so handsome in their crisp uniforms. They seduced the masses and stifled dissent with sweet words, clever rhetoric, and strongarm tactics.
I have my own opinion of your suga suga Obama. Grandmothers know the wily ways of sweet talking hustlers and hip Pied Pipers. Follow me, love me, trust me, sing my praises. Swing with me, gush like a guyser, and don’t worry your pretty little head. Where are we going? We’re going to Hopeandchange. Follow me. Trust me.
But that’s not the point, sassy Sarah. The secret ballot is a precious gift of American democracy and you have no business trying to force your grandparents to vote for a dude you can’t defend with a single rational argument. So just do your thing girl and let the wise and seasoned minds who gave birth to your parents decide for themselves.
Now let’s see who’s under-informed! Are you ready for the grandmother-granddaughter debate? I’ll meet you in a palatial Boca Raton synagogue on October 27th. Have your agent call my agent to work out the details.
Nidra Poller
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