Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Vote for Obama-please, if you believe:

1. In supporting the Employees “Free Choice Act”-this bill enables labor elections to do away with a secret ballot-you really support this?
2. Personal responsibility is no longer a behavior benchmark we should strive to perform-if you think that it is your constitutional right to own a home you cannot afford and you think the government should guarantee you such a loan.
3. In a pro-choice platform but turn around and indicate you want to reduce the number of abortions.
4. Paying ACORN $800,000 to register voters (first national candidate to hire ACORN to get-out-the-vote) the same organization now being investigated for voter fraud in 11 states.
5. In a bigger, more costly government. As a State and USA Senator Obama spent all his time on legislation that would create massive new programs, raise taxes, and create new "rights" for criminals, illegal aliens, and union leaders, always at the expense of ordinary Americans-check the record.
6. Government should accept the responsibility for creating programs for just about every social problem we have rather than rely on teaching our society to become personally accountable. Larger government=larger dependency upon factors outside of your control.
7. The small business owner who you and your wife work for, the one who saw you through your recent hard times, the one whose businesses make more than $250,000/year and employs 8 other employees each with a family is considered “rich” and must pay substantially more taxes. Where do you think this business- man will cut costs just to remain in business?
8. Financial redistribution by government policy. Perhaps you support the “Robin Hood” policy of redistribution-take from the rich, give to the poor. Of course, once the ”rich”, anyone with more than $250,000 income, are no longer rich (increased tax hikes), these same individuals who create your job, will no longer afford to keep your employer open.
9. 95% of the wage earners in America who pay only 45% of federal taxes while the remaining top 5% of earners pay 55% of the taxes should expect these “top fivers” to ante up even more tax money. You don’t find it strange or absolutely unfair that the bottom 50% pays less than 4% of taxes to the government? Do you know how many people pay no taxes at all? You think it is the rich-oops you are incorrect. Yes, these same individuals receive untold federal benefits that we have paid for.
10. Socialism is better for you than democratic capitalism-vote for Obama. Do not complain four years from now how so many more people feel entitled to more and more benefits. Do not complain when your job leaves for another part of the world. Do not complain when your taxes actually need to increase and your “take-home” pay is reduced. Do not complain when you can no longer go to your life-long family doctor because he/she is not part of the ”federal plan”.

GS Don Morris, Ph.D.

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