The Israelis have to decide that? The Palestinians apparently are already all on board with the idea of peaceful coexistence with Israel, and have forgotten all about that jihad business? What planet is Bill Clinton on? The same planet, of course, that is inhabited by most of the learned analysts when it comes to the jihad against Israel -- and the overwhelming evidence that the Palestinians don't want peace, but will continue to press for the destruction of Israel, never seems to disturb their comfortable analyses. "Former US President Clinton calls for Palestinian state," from Maan News Agency, February 22 (thanks to Jeffrey Imm):
Bethlehem – Ma’an – Former US President Bill Clinton said on Tuesday that he is hopeful about peace between Israel and Palestine.
Speaking with the US-based Cable News Network (CNN), Clinton said the appointment of US Senator George Mitchell was a step forward in the prospects for a two-state solution.
Asked by interviewer Larry King about “any chance of the Mideast having peace,” Clinton responded that Mitchell will have to “fill in the blanks” in negotiations between both sides, “however the Israeli government is constituted.”
Clinton also warned that Israel is running out of time it wants to remain a Jewish state.
“Palestinians are having more babies than the Israelis. The Israelis have to decide whether they want to share the future in a positive way with a constructive Palestinian state,” Clinton said.
“And if they [Israel] don't, then they'll have to disenfranchise the Palestinians living outside of old Israel, pre-'67 Israel, and they won't be a democracy anymore. Or they will let everybody vote and they won't be a Jewish state anymore. That hasn't changed,” he said.
“The other thing that has happened that's really better now is the external environment is so much better," he insisted.
"The king of Saudi Arabia and I think more than 20 other Muslim countries in the whole Arab Middle East, with the exception of Syria, has been out there strongly supporting a peace process,” he noted.
“[The Arab League] will urge the Palestinians to sign it. [They] will help them succeed economically. [They] will relocate them,” Clinton said of the Arab Peace Initiative, which was first presented by Saudi Arabia in Beirut during 2002.
“Now, therefore, I think there's hope, and I don't see what the alternative is,” the former US president added.
The alternative? A realistic appraisal of the situation.
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