Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu expressed his support in an independent Palestinian government, noting the "broad agreement inside Israel and outside that the Palestinians should have the ability to govern their lives but not to threaten ours." In an interview published Saturday, the Likud leader reportedly told the Washington Post that he would continue peace talks with the Palestinians, while advancing the economic development in the Palestinian Authority.
Netanyahu was quoted as saying that he would personally "take charge of a government committee that will regularly address the needs of the Palestinian economy in the West Bank."
Asked about IDF Operation Cast Lead against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the prime minister-designate stressed that "Hamas is incompatible with peace," and went on to express hope that the Palestinians in Gaza change the Islamic regime, "because we want to have peace with all the Palestinians."
"What we should do now is enable humanitarian aid to flow into Gaza but not in such a way as it enables Hamas to buy more rockets," he reportedly told the newspaper.
Referring to indirect talks between Israel and Syria, Netanyahu said that "Syria so far has been talking peace but has enabled Hizbullah to arm itself in contravention of UN Security Council resolutions."
"I would talk to Syria about abandoning these courses of action and building confidence that they really want to move toward peace. So far they're not giving that impression," the Likud chair reportedly said.
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