Friday, October 09, 2009

Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) 2009 - Guide for the Perplexed

Yoram Ettinger

Assembled from various Jewish Sages

1. The US covenant with the Jewish State transcends contemporary policy. It precedes the establishment of Israel and the USA. Columbus Day is celebrated around Sukkot. According to "Columbus Then and Now" (Miles Davidson, 1997, p. 268), Columbus arrived to America on Friday afternoon, October 12, 1492, the 21st day of the Jewish month of Tishrei, the Jewish year 5235, the 7th day of Sukkot, Hoshaa'na' Rabah. Hoshaa'na' Rabah is considered a day of universal deliverance and miracles. Hosha' הושע)) - the Hebrew word for rescue/deliverance - and "Na'" (נא) – the Hebrew word for please - are equivalent to 51 in Gimatriya. Thus, Hoshaa'na' Rabah is observed on the 51st day following Moses' ascension to Mt. Sinai. 2. Sukkot highlights and recharges the sense of collective responsibility and mutual-dependence (team spirit) of the Jewish People, following Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah, which highlight individual responsibility.

3. Sukkot presents and recharges a concept of wholesome and collective joy, which must include joy-sharing, positive actions, contribution to society, expression of gratitude, education, remembrance, hospitality, humility and identification with the under-privileged. The biblical (Hebrew) meaning of Sukkah (סכה) conveys its significance: wholesomeness and totality (סך), shelter (סכך), to anoint (סוך), sizeable branch of tree (סוכה), holy curtain (מסך) and attentiveness (סכת).

4. Sukkot commemorates various aspects of The Exodus – a critical inspiration to the US Founding Fathers - which transformed individual slaves into a cohesive nation. It is celebrated on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Tishrei – the day of launching the construction of the Holy Sanctuary in the Sinai Desert. It is named after the first stop of The Exodus – Sukkota. Sukkot is a derivative of the Hebrew word, Sukkah (hut), which was the dwelling of the Jewish People during the 40 year wandering in the desert. The Sukkah (סכה) is covered by branches of palm trees (סכך), which – in Hebrew – means shelter, cover and protection, symbolizing divine providence. Sukkot stresses liberty from spiritual and physical slavery.

5. Sukkot honors the Torah, as religious, historical and cultural foundation of the Jewish People. Sukkot reflects the three inter-related and mutually-inclusive pillars of Judaism: The Torah of Israel, the People of Israel and the Land of Israel. The day following Sukkot (Simchat Torah) is dedicated to the conclusion of the annual Torah reading by the "Torah Groom" and to the beginning of next year's Torah reading by the "Genesis Groom." On Simchat Torah, the People of the Book is dancing with the most significant book, the Torah.

6. Sukkot underlines the centrality of Jerusalem in Judaism. It is one of the three annual Jewish Pilgrimages to Jerusalem: Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles.

7. Sukkot highlights the Land of Israel through its prayers for rain in an arid region of the world in a country, deprived of natural resources other than know-how. The 7-day-duration of Sukkot symbolizes the 7 day Jewish week (Creation), 7 Crops/Produce, which praised the Promised Land of Israel (wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates), the 7th Jewish month of Tishrei, whose zodiac is the scale (the 7th zodiac), the 7 divine clouds which sheltered the Jewish People in the desert and it inspired the 7 blessings which are read during a Jewish wedding, the 7 rounds (הקפות) of dancing with the Torah upon the conclusion of Sukkot, and the 7 readings (עליות) of the Torah on the Sabbath Day.

8. The seven days of Sukkot are dedicated to the 7 Ushpizin, distinguished guests (origin of the words Hospes and hospitality): Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron and David, who had to overcome extreme odds in the determined pursuit of their ground breaking ideas.

Sukkot is a holiday of Jewish unity and mutual-responsibility/caring, calling upon Sukkah owners to open their Sukkahs to (especially underprivileged) strangers, in the best tradition of Abraham the Patriarch (who royally welcomed to his tent three miserable-looking strangers). A Sukkah must remain unlocked!

9. Sukkot emphasizes the crucial connection between history, attachment to the soil and the Land of Israel. The Sukkah of the House of David has been a synonym for the sovereignty and liberty of the People of Israel.

10. Sukkot provides another opportunity to enhance humility and compassion toward the needy, while temporarily residing in the humble Sukkah during the relatively cold month of Tishrei/October.

11. Sukkot provides "over-time" for genuine repentance, which ends on the day following Sukkot (Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah).

12. Sukkot is the holiday of harvesting and national ingathering (אסיף in Hebrew means harvesting and also ingathering). The four sides of the Sukkah represent the global Jewish community (North, south, west and east), which ingathers under the same roof (Land of Israel) on Sukkot.

13. Sukkot is a universal holiday, inviting all peoples to come to Jerusalem on a pilgrimage (Zechariah 14: 16-19). The Sukkah of Shalom (Shalom means peace and also wholesomeness) represents the centrality of peace and wholesomeness – globally and not just Jewishly – in Judaism.

14. Sukkot's Four Species (citron, palm, myrtle and willow) – which are bonded together – represent four types of human-beings: Persons who possess positive odor and taste (values and action), positive taste but no odor (action but no values), positive odor but no taste (values but no action) and those who are devoid of taste and odor (no values and no action). However, all are bonded (and depend on each other) by shared roots/history and none is devoid of positive potential. The Four Species possess prerequisites for genuine leadership: the palm branch (Lulav in Hebrew) symbolizes the human backbone, the citron (Etrog in Hebrew) represents the heart, the myrtle (Hadas in Hebrew) stands for the eyes and willow (Arava in Hebrew) reflects humility.

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