Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Tell President Obama, Stop Training Fatah Terrorists with US Money

President Obama has sustained the deployment of General Dayton's training of Fatah militia in Ramallah as arranged by the Bush administration. Apparently, this is in connection with his own administration's vision for the speedy creation of a "contiguous" Palestinian state. Also of concern is that Fatah members are indoctrinated against America in spite of this military training. To: President Barack Obama
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Vice-President Joseph Biden
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
as well as other distinguished elected officials

President Obama,

As you are a progressive President willing to learn from the mistakes of the past, we urge you to immediately pull US General Dayton's continued top-level US military training of Fatah militia in PA-controlled Ramallah. Our ongoing training of Fatah militia is harmful to stability and any meaningful peace in the region and must be stopped at once.

Scores of suicide bombings and shootings upon Israeli civilians have been perpetrated by Fatah members and other groups. Simply put, recipients of US General Dayton's top-level military training of Fatah militants openly admit they have been involved in terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. Murdering Israelis is not a good way to spend US taxpayer dollars!

In an interview with seven of the Palestinian militia members under Dayton, one Fatah soldier makes it clear: "All the trainings we received from Dayton and company will not affect our loyalty to our people and the resistance," said a former leader of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. "We are Palestinian patriots. What we received from Dayton, we will use (on Israel or other nations) when the day comes for a confrontation."

Already, basic U.S. training provided during the 1990s helped kill Israelis, by an admission of Abu Yousuf, a senior officer of Abbas' Force 17 Presidential Guard unit in Ramallah.

"I do not think that the operations of the Palestinian resistance would have been so successful and would have killed more than 1,000 Israelis since 2000 and defeated the Israelis in Gaza without these [American] trainings," said Yousuf. "All the methods and techniques that we studied in these trainings, we applied them against the Israelis," he said.

"We sniped at Israeli settlers and soldiers. We broke into settlements and Israeli army bases and posts. We collected information on the movements of soldiers and settlers. We collected information about the best timing to infiltrate our bombers inside Israel. We used weapons and we produced explosives, and of course the trainings we received from the Americans and the Europeans were a great help to the resistance."

And don't forget, Mr. President, that Arafat's Fatah terrorist organization brought us Black September in 1970 with their attempted takeover of the government of Jordan. They did not then require US training to kill a reported 25,000 Jordanians. Is it any wonder that the Arab world wants Israel to absorb the Palestinians, while Jordan and all other Arab countries deny them citizenship?

Mr. President, training Fatah is unacceptable. Please end General Dayton's training of terrorists and pull any other US-trained military. Our tax dollars can be much better spent here at home than in the training of militant Islamists who openly call for attacks upon both America and Israel

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Thanks to General Vallely

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