Monday, October 05, 2009

Yes Virginia – No. The President is Not an Honest Broker.

Ruth King

Since health care talk is all the rage in congress and the media now, let me ask you some medical questions. If your doctor prescribed medication with side effects which almost killed you several times, what would you think if he wanted you to try it again without giving any consideration to alternate therapies? Suppose you had a chronic and annoying, but curable, rash on your arm: what would you do if your doctor ordered amputation instead of therapy and asked you to consider suicide as an alternative?

Don’t answer. I know you’re not dumb, but consider the policies that President Obama and his political “death panel” are prescribing for Israel without any regard to the lethal consequences of the past. Every single time Israel has tried appeasement and concession the only response from the Arabs was terror and ratcheting up their demands. So why is this administration putting the squeeze on Israel and extracting living wills from a tired and war weary but always dependable ally?

Once, dividing Jerusalem raised hackles and opposition among Israel’s supporters, and Americans understood that an Arab/Muslim state in that tiny spit of land between the Jordan River and pre-1967 Israel was economically untenable and a potential disaster for Israel and Jordan. Grudges die hard in the Middle East and the PalArabs remember when good old King Hussein expelled and murdered thousands of them when they challenged his throne in 1973. By the way, do you think the United Nations noticed or cared? Did their Arab brothers in the Arab League express any remorse? Nah.

Follow the dots from all the previous American efforts to “broker” a peace agreement from Camp David to Oslo to the “Road Map” to the Gaza withdrawal to Obama’s recent “unyielding opposition” to Israeli towns in the West Bank and his recent speech at the United Nations.

Egypt, Israel’s ostensible “peace partner,” has flouted all its agreements with Israel and its sermons, speeches, media and schoolbooks are rife with anti-Semitic diatribes.

Oslo led to the longest, most gruesome spree of terror in Israel’s history. Markets, buses, cafes, holiday celebrations…the haunts of civilians of all ages were targeted.

When Israelis vacated Gaza, they left behind state-of-the-art farms and equipment and dwellings, all purchased for local Arabs by American Jewish philanthropists. They were looted, set on fire, destroyed and all symbols of Jewish presence and ritual were desecrated.
The United Nations only noticed that there was no commerce or food and gave only minimal attention to the rain of rockets….from Gaza to civilian homes in Israel…over 755 in 2009 alone.

All these efforts were supposed to bring peace and enhance American and Israeli reputations among the Muslim people of the world. They did the opposite – or do you think, Virginia, that that orgy of hatred and burning of the American flag throughout the Muslim world elicited by the cartoons of Mohammed which started only months after Israel left Gaza, could have been avoided if only Israel had amputated itself some more? And by the way, international anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel has escalated to alarming levels in spite of all the amputations.

Nonetheless, at the United Nations President Obama evoked his “special czar for Middle East Peace” George Mitchell who will midwife a settlement based on: "security for Israelis and Palestinians, borders, refugees, and Jerusalem……Two states living side by side in peace and security – a Jewish state of Israel, with true security for all Israelis; and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people.”

Got that? Contiguous territory. That means Israel is cut in two, since that's the only way the West Bank and Gaza can be contiguous.
Refugees. Read that as the Arab “right to return” and flood Israel with four generations of Arabs who learn from cradle to grave that Israel must be destroyed. Jerusalem, borders, refugees, occupation – back to the 1967 lines – all the code words are there and his Arab audience knows what they mean. He gave Israel real end-of-life counseling. No wonder he got a standing ovation.

And who is supposed to be the Arab “leader” to partner Israel’s total capitulation? Why it’s Mahmoud Abu Mazen Abbas, the president of Fatah which we are continually assured is not as mean as Hezbollah and Hamas, and ready to cut a deal with Israel. In fact, Fatah is ready to cut Israel’s throat, and its leader and president the “moderate” terrorist Abu Mazen holds the knife.

Why is Israel asked to trust a man whose college thesis published by Moscow University denies the Holocaust; a man who masterminded the Munich Massacre in 1972; whose ties with rogue regimes and international terrorist networks is documented; whose “education ministry” is mirror image of Hamas/Hezbollah anti-Semitic incitement; and who, for good measure still refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish state and has never renounced violence as a tactic?

Why is Israel asked to displace 300,000 people who live in the hills of the West Bank on the pretense that they are an obstacle to peace? They are indeed an obstacle…but to an Arab onslaught against Israel’s population.

Well, we are told by pundits and think tankers and legislators, and the State Department that with a two state (dis)solution of Israel swords will turn into plowshares. No, Virginia. They will turn to shovels for burial.

The Mideast is on the brink of conflagration….Iran steadily and surely obtaining nuclear arms; Lebanon is a tinderbox hostage to Hezbollah; Syria and Iraq, Iran and Libya are getting cozy with each other bonding with hatred of Israel and desire to humiliate the West; radical Islam is extending its goal of caliphate; the Taliban grows stronger and more defiant; and the sugar daddies of jihad, namely the Saudis and the Emirates, continue to fund and enable terrorism and mount their stranglehold on our economic sovereignty.

But the Obama administration fiddles while the Muslim world burns with hatred, and pits all its foreign policy muscle against Israel.

What can possibly be behind this “Fatahl” approach that ignores this reality? Why has our government gone beyond any previous administration in its antipathy to Israel?
Yoram Ettinger, and Israeli diplomat and commentator asks:

“What’s in it for the United States?

What has transformed Israel into an American liability? It is the largest U.S. aircraft carrier, which requires no U.S. personnel, which can't be sunk, which is the most battle-tested and cost effective, which is located in a most critical area for vital U.S. national security interests and which is sparing the U.S. mega-billion dollars annually and the stationing of additional real aircraft carriers in the Middle East?

Why would the U.S. Administration punish the Jewish State for fulfilling its security requirements, thus cutting off its (U.S.) nose to spite its (U.S.) face?”

The answer, I fear, lies in the President’s outreach to Muslims. Instead of seeking alternatives that will free our economy from Arab oil and blackmail, the President understands what Bat Ye’or and Moshe Sharon and Raphael Israeli and Robert Spencer and Andrew Bostom know. Islam’s price for a temporary and tenuous accommodation with the West is Israel.

And our President displaying an abysmal lack of principles and knowledge of history is willing to cut the deal.

And you Virginia……Is your love for the “Changeling” President still blind?

Editor’s note: This article was adapted from two of Ruth King’s articles of the October issue of OUTPOST magazine. Contributing Editor Ruth S. King is a freelance writer who writes a monthly column in OUTPOST, the publication of Americans for a Safe Israel.

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