Friday, November 20, 2009

GET INVOLVED: WRITE/FAX Stop the Obama bomb of a bill

Guest Post today


GET INVOLVED (My sample letter below)

Senator (dumb) Harry Reed closed the doors behind 300Million Americans to concoct another government run Healthcare bill. We do not know how many favors are attached to another such lunacy plan.

We have to fight his proposal and fast. Each of us getting involved can make the difference whether Harry’s plan passes or it does not. We must call or write to the following Senators: Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln, and Evan Bayh to tell them that the American people will hold them accountable if they vote for this Harry Reid healthcare bill.

Things are getting more out of control in Washington because Congress has NO Constitutional authority to do much of what they are doing, which is illegal and criminal.

Are we, the American citizens are not going to allow the politicians and the bureaucracies to decide what type of healthcare we can get, and also who does and who doesn't?

Liberty is under assault because the statist does not accept liberty, the Constitution or limited government.


Senator Mary Landrieu (D-La):


Washington, DC

328 Hart Senate Building

United States Senate

Washington DC

Voice: (202)224-5824

Fax: (202) 224-9735

New Orleans

Hale Boggs Federal Building

500 Poydras Street, Room 1005 New Orleans, LA 70130

Voice: (504) 589-2427

Fax: (504) 589-4023

Baton Rouge

Room 326, Federal Building

707 Florida Street

Baton Rouge, LA 70801

Voice: (225) 389-0395

Fax: (225) 389-0660

Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska):

Washington, D.C. Office

720 Hart Senate Office Building

United States Senate

Washington, DC 20510

T: 1-202-224-6551

F: 1-202-228-0012

Omaha Office

7602 Pacific St. Ste 205

Omaha, NE 68114

T: (402) 391-3411

F: (402) 391-4725

Lincoln Office

440 North 8th Street

Suite 120

Lincoln, NE 68508

T: (402) 441-4600

F: (402) 476-8753

Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-Arkansas):


355 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

(202) 224-4843

Fax (202) 228-1371

912 West Fourth Street

Little Rock, AR 72201

(501) 375-2993

Fax (501) 375-7064

Toll Free 1-800-352-9364

Senator Evan Bayh: (D-Indiana)


131 Russell Senate Office Building

Washington, DC 20510

Tel.: (202) 224-5623

Fax: (202) 228-1377

1650 Market Tower

10 West Market Street

Indianapolis, IN 46204

Tel.: (317) 554-0750

Fax: (317) 554-0760

101 MLK, Jr. Blvd

Evansville, IN 47708

Tel.: (812) 465-6500

Fax: (812) 465-6503


To: Senator

Senator Harry Reed closed the doors behind 300Million Americans to concoct another government run Healthcare bill. We do not know how many favors are attached to another such lunacy plan.

If you voter “YES” for Harry Reid healthcare bill, the American people will hold you accountable.

Things are totally out of control in Washington because Congress has NO Constitutional authority to do much of what they are doing, which is illegal and criminal.

We, the American citizen, are not going to allow the politicians and the bureaucracies to decide what type of healthcare we can get, and also who does and who doesn't?

Liberty is under dangerous assault because the statist does not accept liberty, the Constitution or limited government.

Senator ________ vote NO or we hold you accountable.



To maintain his liberty a man must remain eternally vigilance

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