Monday, November 23, 2009

How to respond to intentinal misrepresentations

Dear Editor:

The analogy implied by Louisa Shakkour in her November 22 letter, "Hope for Reagan-type to utter his words," is absurd. Indeed, the security barrier constructed by Israel, only about 5 percent of which can reasonably be referred to as a "wall," could not be more different than that of the Berlin Wall. While the Berlin Wall was built to repress the desire of East Germans for freedom, the security barrier forced on Israel by the terror offensive launched by the Palestinian Arabs was built to save lives. In that, it has succeeded extremely well, likely already saving thousands of lives, not just Israeli but Arab as well.

One cannot help but question the motives of those who ignore numerous walls around the world, generally built either for economic reasons or to simply keep innocent but unwanted people away, while reserving their criticism for the one barrier built to preserve the most important human right of all, the right to life.


Alan H. Stein, Ph.D.
President, PRIMER-Connecticut

Comment: Those of us who love Israel and want ot promote the truth must be willing to write letters to the editor, call news media with information, call,fax, email and write our nation's leaders with facts and call the intentional misrepresentations by our enemies what they are-LIES. If you do not get it yet, please notice the other side has no problems lying, writing, talking time and again. We must engage in truthful information dispersal time and again-it takes effort, energy and patience-we can do this together!

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