Another case of “uncoverage” by the local news media.
Whether our local newspapers are reporting it (and most of them are not) and despite what the local police who handle the incidents say (there’s pressure to be “politically correct”) Muslim extremist terrorist events are happening all around us.
Now it has happened close to my home, too
The two largest local newspapers, The San Francisco Chronicle , and the Contra Costa Times, haven’t covered this, even though they have had more than a week to do so. (or if they have covered it, it is so miniscule, it isn’t found on search).
The online edition of a little local mailer, the Danville Express, gets kudos for checking police blotters and getting us the facts. Thanks also to KSFO Radio host Brian Sussman, who saw the article and alerted our community to this frightening act of terrorism on his talk show tonight.
In upscale Pleasanton, California, at the huge and trendy Stoneridge Mall, a young man suddenly ripped a crucifix off a woman’s neck, screaming “Islam is good” at the top of his lungs, and, according to police, “anti-Christian comments.” He clenched a pen in his hand over his head and threatened other customers, some of whom were hiding under tables and chairs nearby. (See Danville Express article). This has also posted on Homeland Security News.
The young man had, guess what, a Muslim name….Abdul Walid Hamid. He is now facing charges of battery, grand theft, exhibition of a deadly weapon and a possible hate crime in Alameda County. He tried to fight off police officers.
This story is troubling on many levels:
1. If this were a white kid who had ripped some Muslim’s headgear off, do you think the story would be getting more coverage as some sort of jack-booted Christian, Nazi stormtrooper “hate crime” against Islam? Ya think?
2. The Pleasanton city police lieutenant quoted in the Danville Express article says this Muslim punk’s assault and religious chantings and epithets were “similar” to recent, “loud” Christian protests in downtown Pleasanton??? Say what? Show me one report of a screaming Methodist or Presbyterian yanking burqas off Muslim women at a shopping mall.
Is law enforcement so getting pummeled with threats of litigation and brainwashed into such a “politically correct” mind-set that they can’t call it what it is?
3. The Islamo-creep kid was taken, according to the newspaper report, to a local mental health facility. Why? He is facing criminal charges, allegedly assaulted a woman and police officers. Let’s not chalk another jihad incident up to being “one, isolated crazy person.”
4. Walid Hamid-whatever was quoted in the police report as yelling “Allah is power” “Islam is GREAT”. Yet, he supposedly asked for an attorney later, THROUGH AN INTERPRETER. So was he yelling “Allah Akhbar” at the shopping mall? Was he using the Muslim war cry used during the 9/11, Ft. Hood and other jihadi attacks or was he speaking English? If so, why don’t police say so???
5. This incident occurred in a well-lit public shopping mall, already decorated for Christmas, in one of the more affluent suburbs in the eastern San Franscico bay suburbs. If it can happen here, it can happen anywhere.
6. There is reason to be concerned that “copycat” jihads will take place due to the wide coverage given to Ft. Hood and the appeasement-mode of the news media.
7. If you think Muslim terrorist events are rare in the United States, think again.
Pamela Geller, noted jihad watcher, keeps a monthly list of all such events on her blog, Atlas Shrugs. It will shock you. See this month’s U.S. jihad report.
As the Christian”infidel” Christmas holidays approach and in light of Ft. Hood, let us resolve to be vigilant.
Be thy brother’s keeper. Report suspicious behavior and keep on reporting it until something is done.
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