Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Rabbi: Gentiles to blame for Ushrenko murder

Former Shas minister: I warned officials against allowing non-Jews to immigrate to Israel

The Usherkno massacre is the result of Israel's willingness to allow Soviet non-Jews to immigrate to the country, a former Shas minister charged Monday. "I predicted it; I said we will regret it for generations to come," said former Shas Chairman Rabbi Yitzhak Peretz, who today serves as Raanana's chief rabbi.

In an interview with the "Haredim" website, Peretz said: "We have murderers here and we have anti-Semites that persecute Jews in the State of Israel. Regrettably all we can do now is watch the grim results of the weakness that overcame Israel's leaders, ministers, and advisors."

Rabbi Peretz recounted his trip to the Soviet Union in 1985, when he served as interior minister. He said that back then already he voiced his concerns about non-Jewish immigration to Israel.

"This prompted a major media storm in Israel. Then-Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir called me in Russia and for 25 minutes attempted to convince me to retract my statements," Peretz said. "However, I told him these are the facts and I will not deny them."

The rabbi added that he asked PM Shamir to change Israel's Law of Return so that it won't allow persons who are not Jewish according to the Halacha to move to Israel. However, the request was rejected by the prime minister.

"As a result, fully gentile children moved here just because their grandpa was Jewish," Peretz said. Had his warnings been heeded, he said, we would not be seeing the crime norms introduced to Israel by some Soviet immigrants.

Comment: I posted this to allow myself the opportunity to respond in public to this claim. I am not a Jew and I choose to make Israel my home. I arrived out of my love for the country, its people, all of its people. I arrived with a pension and a health care program-I would not cost the government any money and in fact would spend thousands of dollars every month to have the honor of living here. I support completely the right of Israel to be a Jewish state and defend her every day. Some few years ago I decided to make application for permanent residency-no easy task for a non-Jew by the way. After months of completing a mountain of paper work, it took several months to even "open a file" here-yet, I persevered. Several more months passed and then I asked about my status and "discovered" my file was intentionally "lost" in Jerusalem. People in charge at the time-Shas. I was told, cannot corroborate this next statement,that the"Individual in charge" would not allow a non-Jew to teach a Jewish child (you see I am a Professor). I remained undaunted due to my desire to assist Israel and re-applied-this cost me monies, time, effort, emotional peace and am proud to say that I am in the loop for becoming a permanent resident of Israel. If you read my blogs, if you read my personal writings and if you knew of the work I do on behalf of Israel you would stand up and shout that all non-Jews should not be shown such an ignorant bias-your religion is better than these words of your Rabbi.

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