David Swindle
It was a strange coincidence. I was sitting here working on another blot post, Glenn Beck’s Fox show on in the background, being distracted by one of my political text fights with my “progressive” friend Pat Ray, aka “Clergyman P-Ray.”
(This happens all the time. Pat and I are always sending incendiary political provocations to one another via text message to start arguments. He started it this time.) Pat was lecturing me about how apparently we do not have money for a single payer health care system but we do have money for “oil wars.” I was then shooting back that he didn’t understand the nature of the enemy and that we were involved in a war comparable to the enemies we fought in World War II. We are in a fight with Islamic Nazis bent on world domination.
Of course he scoffed at this comparison. He caricatured our enemy as a few extremists hiding in caves. In other words: nothing that we should really be concerned about.
Moments later a BREAKING NEWS alert interrupted Beck’s interview of entrepreneur Jon Huntsman to inform us that charges were filed against the perpetrator of an attempted terror attack on an airplane in Detroit yesterday. Here’s the Detroit News on it:
The Justice Department is expected to announce criminal charges against the man suspected of attempting to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner as early as today, officials told The Detroit News.
Federal officials said the suspect — who is still in the hospital — is likely to be arraigned in his hospital bed by a federal magistrate judge from the U.S. District Court later today. The timing of an arraignment is still not clear.
Gina Balaya, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Detroit, said the suspect is still in the hospital. “Initial appearance will most likely take place there,” she said. “It is up to the court, in consultation with the medical experts, to decide whether it would be appropriate to have members of the media present.”
Tracy Justice, a spokesman for University of Michigan Health System, said the hospital is treating one patient for injuries sustained on Delta Flight 253 from Amsterdam, but would not confirm the gender or whether the patient is terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, a 23-year-old student who was severely burned when he allegedly ignited an incendiary device aboard the Airbus.
Read more here.
Yeah, just a few nuts in caves — nothing to be concerned about, Pat. This seems to be happening a fair amount lately doesn’t it? But the Left is more concerned about getting the government to give them cheaper healthcare than they are with seriously dealing with this totalitarian enemy.
This should come as no surprise. As my colleague Jamie Glazov demonstrates in United In Hate, this has been the default position on the Left for the past 80 years.
Perhaps America can wake up to understanding the nature of our Islamofascist enemy. I don’t have much hope for the Left as a whole, though. (But that doesn’t mean I’ll be giving up on Pat anytime soon.)
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