Saturday, May 08, 2010

Water in israel

Martin Sherman

In October 2009, Amnesty International published a grossly distorted and misleading report on the issue of water as a factor in the Israeli Palestinian conflict. The report accused Israel of conducting a discriminatory policy of depriving the Palestinians of adequate access to water. In the words of the report "…discrimination has resulted in widespread violations of the right to an adequate standard of living, which includes the human rights to water, to adequate food and housing, and the right to work and to health of the Palestinian population."

The report was seized on by the Palestinians and the BDS (Boycott, Sanctions, Divestment) movement headed by Omar Barghouti, who quoted it as proof that Israel was using water as a means of ethnic cleansing and imposing racist apartheid policy on the Palestinian population in the "West Bank".

While it is always possible to produce anecdotal evidence of misfortune and privation on a localized level, the overall statistics tell a very different story.

By every conceivable measure of consumption of fresh water, the lot of the Palestinians has improved dramatically – indeed beyond all recognition - since 1967 under Israeli administration, whether it be:

* overall consumption;
* per capita consumption;
* consumption relative to Israel/Israelis,
* conveyance of running water to households;
* area under agricultural cultivation;
* size of the agricultural product

The accompanying document provides quantitative data that totally disproves the unfounded Amnesty accusations and exposes them as a "Torrent of Lies."

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