Permits Permits Permits by David Wilder
Journalists have asked me 'do you have a permit to build the new kindergarten?'
The answer is quite simple. We have had a permit to build in Hebron for the past 3,800 years.
Did the first Jew in Hebron, Avraham Avinu, have a permit to purchase the caves of Machpela and the surrounding fields? Did he need a Prime Minister, Defense Minister or anyone else to verify and okay the transaction? Two thousand years ago Herod, King of Judea, constructed a magnificent monument to the Patriarchs and Matriarchs, a building still in use, to this very day. Did he ask Barak or Netanyahu to approve this classic structure?
In 1929 the age-old Jewish Hebron community was massacred and the survivors expelled. It is time that the nations of the world recognize that the roots of modern civilization are found in Jewish Hebron, the foundations of which commenced almost 4,000 years ago.
In 1967 Jews returned to Hebron and Machpela, (which was declared off-limits to Jews and Christians for 700 years). We did not conquer and occupy a foreign city. We returned - we came home.
The most normal act of existence is to grow and develop, to expand. To build. That is what we are doing in Hebron. First and foremost, providing a good thorough education for our children, from the very beginning.
This is why we are starting with a kindergarten, to be built on Jewish land, in the first Jewish city in Israel, in Hebron. No artificial freeze, no talks of an imaginary peace, can deny the Jews of their most elementary right: to live in city of Abraham, to grow in the city of Abraham, to build, develop and expand in the city of Abraham. This is our G-d - given right; an obligation, ensuring a continued thriving Jewish presence in Hebron for generations to come!
Breaking the Ice - The Building Freeze is over!
Hebron celebrates:
Deputy Education Minister, Rabbi Meir Porush
participates in laying the cornerstone for a new
Hebron kindergarten
in the Avraham Avinu neighborhood
Monday Sept. 27 at 15:00
followed by a visit and festive speech by
Deputy Prime Minister Sylvan Shalom at
Ma'arat HaMachpela
Special Daily Holiday Tours with Rabbi Simcha Hochbaum
Registration: www.hebronfund.com tour@hebron.com 052-431-7055
Chol HaMoed Sunday Sept. 26, Monday, Sept. 27th
Entire Maara open including Ohel Yitzchak + special children’s activities
Chol HaMoed Monday, Sept. 27th
8:45 AM - Musical Carlebach Shacharit featuring:
Rav Simcha Hochbaum, Chizki Sofer & musicians
Followed at 1 PM By....
Mass Machpela MusicFest ... featuring:
Adi Ran * Meir Simcha * Rolly Dickman * Chizki Sofer * Yuval Taeib
Special Guests:
Vice Prime Minister Sylvan Shalom,
Deputy Education Minister Meir Porush
Knesset Members & Community Leaders
Hoshana Raba, Wednesday Sept. 29th
Special Machpela services, refreshments
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