Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
This past June PA TV broadcast a song and dance that glorified violence and death. It appeared as part of the PLO's Third Palestinian Culture and Education Festival held in Ramallah and included dancers holding rifles aloft, while singing: "My weapon has emerged...There is no force in the world that can remove the weapon from my hand" and "He who offers his blood doesn't care if his blood flows upon the ground." Since its first broadcast, PA TV has chosen to rebroadcast it six additional times: June 4, June 24, July 9, July 13, July 16, July 20, and now again this week with an interview with the writer of the song.
Click to view the following excerpt from the song:
"From my wounds, my weapon has emerged.
Oh, our revolution, my weapon has emerged.
There is no force in the world that can remove the weapon from my hand.
My weapon has emerged. My weapon has emerged...
This revolutionary people has sacrificed and offered in order to live in freedom!
My weapon has emerged. My weapon has emerged...
He who offers his blood doesn't care if his blood flows upon the ground...
As the weapon of revolution is in my hand, so my presence will be forced [upon Israel].
My weapon has emerged. My weapon has emerged."
[PA TV (Fatah), broadcast live June 4, 2010,
and rebroadcast on June 24, July 9, July 13,
July 16, July 20 and Sept. 26, 2010]
Comment: This is run by Abbas' Office-it is his programming-this represents the reason why no peace can exist here for at least two more generations. Stop the psychological violence now Palestinians, then, and only then can we consider talking. Those of you who support Abbas et al support violence 6tochildren, hypocrisy in policy making and terrorism-shame on you!!
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