Elder of Ziyon
From the PA's WAFA news agency (Arabic):
Settlers have just erected a huge brass candlestick on the outskirts of the city of Nablus in the West Bank. Witnesses said that the menorah was set by a crane near the Za'tara triangle a few kilometers south of Nablus, and pointed out that this area is at the center of a number of extremist Jewish settlements.
The menorah is often used in Jewish religious rituals, and the settlers seek to impose their ideology onto the West Bank through actions such as these.
(h/t Dovid Haivri, director of the Shomron Liaison Office, who will happily accept donations to allow more public Chanukah displays to be set up in Judea and Samaria.)
Comment: Don't you just laugh at this report. It is from an Arabic news site,slanted of course against Israel. It is written for the local Arab population but it is absurd. This is but one more example of it is ok for Islam to display its prayers, symbols and behaviors but not ok for Jews or Christians to do the same. They "get offended"-right, they do not get offended, they do get that the West is ignorant and will believe how put upon the poor Islamists Arabs are. More incitement gobbled up by the media. G-d forbid you say anything against Islam. BTW this tactic has been used for years-they know their beliefs cannot with stand scrutiny so they use threats and real violence against those who dare demonstrate the political system called Islam.
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