The Tundra Tabloids has done it again, it’s caused yet another fundamentalist Muslim, this time an Arab, Azzam Tamimi, (more here) to literally blow a gasket. The sound of blood vessels popping could be heard in the room despite his shouting and ranting. During the question and answer period at the “Peace Forum” event arranged by the Hakunila organization, Tamimi was predictably presenting every lie and distortion as fact.
Though the face of Finnish academia was present…. …the TT thought it would liven things up a bit, and brought the subject of his connections with the Iranians and his call for the destruction of Israel in 2006 (for example) to the forefront. What followed was a lively free-for-all.
I’ll take you to court!
“If you prove that, or I’ll take you to court if you say that I am backed by the Iranians. If you make an allegation that I’m backed by the Iranians I’ll take you to court! Tell the truth or shut up! Don’t say that I’m paid by anybody! I’m a free man, I’m independent! I have a TV station! I get paid by my TV station! Don’t make allegations!”
The TT: “You’re making them all of the time!” The people arranging the event and his supporters begin to tell the TT to shut up. Bwhahahahahha! The terrorist backing blowhard was making all kinds of allegations throughout the night, and no one told him to shut up. The Arab on the left of me stated then stated that:
“He just got a bottle of Koskenkorva from the Israeli embassy, as a payment for this”
The TT would love a bottle, but who to ask? Perhaps the TT should send the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs a special request for it, but I loathe filling out requisition forms. KGS
Click here for a close up
NOTE: As soon as the video is uploaded to Youtube, I’ll post it here.
This entry was posted in Azzaz Tamimi, Finland, Islamic Rage, Islamic tomfoolery, Islamist extremism. Bookmark the permalink.
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