Here is the second part of the analysis:
9. How do American Muslims participate in American public life?
American Muslims have created institutions of their own in the United States, just like other religious communities. There are many long-established groups such as the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), an umbrella organization of some 300 mosques and Islamic centers based in Indiana, and newer organizations like the Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals.
“Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)”
Whoa! ISNA is participation in American life? ISNA is pure Muslim Brotherhood; in fact, they are at the top of the list in the Muslim Brotherhood memo submitted in the Holy Land Foundation trial. And what is the Muslim Brotherhood? An organization dedicated to bringing the caliphate to rule over the entire world and to destroy our Constitution by replacing it with Sharia law.10. Is Islam a political movement?
And remember the Muslim Brotherhood motto? Here it is:
"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."ISNA and all other Muslim Brotherhood types participate in American life in the sense of working to annihilate it.
No. Islam is a religious tradition and adherents to Islam are called Muslim. Of course, American Muslims like Americans from other religious groups, participate in American political life. American Muslim voting patterns generally mirror the broader American population. American Muslims are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, liberals, and conservatives. There is no one political platform or agenda for those who practice the religion of Islam in the United States.
“Islam is a religious tradition”
Yes, but it is also a political tradition. To prove that read the Sira, the biography of Mohammed. It is very interesting to plot the data found in the Sira about how Islam grew. Here is the plot:11. Have American Muslim leaders spoken out against extremist violence?
The religion of Islam was a failure. In preaching the religion of Islam, Mohammed converted 150 Arabs to Islam. Then he went to Medina and became a politician and a jihadist. During the last 9 years of his life in Medina, he averaged an event of violence on the average of every 6 weeks. When Mohammed died every Arab was a Muslim. Without politics and jihad there would have never been an Islam. The religion failed, the politics succeeded.
Yes. Many American Muslim leaders and organizations have repeatedly denounced extremist violence in the strongest possible terms.
Of the many statements and actions taken by American Muslims to condemn and counter terrorism, the fatwa (religious ruling) from the Fiqh Council of North America (an Islamic juristic body) captures the views of the vast majority of American Muslims: “Islam strictly condemns religious extremism and the use of violence against innocent lives. There is no justification in Islam for extremism or terrorism.”
Fiqh Council of North America condems violence, but Islam does not condemn jihad. Jihad is neither extremism nor terrorism. The Fiqh Council of North America (a Muslim Brotherhood group) may condemn terrorism, but Allah does not."innocent lives"
8:12 God revealed His will to the angels, saying: 'I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the Kafirs. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers!'
As you read about innocence, remember that a Kafir is in perpetual rebellion against Islam. Hence, Kafirs are never innocent, but guilty of offending Allah.The Fiqh Council of North America’s statement affirms the following Islamic principles:
“All acts of terrorism, including those targeting the life and property of civilians, whether perpetrated by suicidal or any other form of attacks, are haram (forbidden) in Islam.
“All acts of terrorism…are haram”
Well, so acts of terror are forbidden in Islam. But jihad is a community obligation for all Muslims. Jihad is not terror, but sacred violence to prepare the world for Islam and the Sharia.“It is haram (forbidden) for a Muslim to cooperate with any individual or group that is involved in any act of terrorism or prohibited violence.”
Koran 2:216 You are commanded to fight although you dislike it. You may hate something that is good for you, and love something that is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not.
I guess that Mohammed did not get this memo, because he said, just the opposite:“It is the civic and religious duty of Muslims to undertake full measures to protect the lives of all civilians, and ensure the security and well-being of fellow citizens.”
[Bukhari 4,52,96] Mohammed: “Anyone who arms a jihadist is rewarded just as a fighter would be; anyone who gives proper care to a holy warrior’s dependents is rewarded just as a fighter would be.”
Muslims are to undertake full measures to follow the Sunna of Mohammed and he attacked every single neighbor, without a single exception. And he did it year after year, until he ran out of enemies in Arabia and then he left Arabia to go to Syria and attack the Christians there.
12. Are American Muslims concerned about extremist violence in the United States?
Yes. Most American Muslims, like most other Americans, are deeply concerned about the problem of extremist violence committed in the name of Islam. According to the most reliable data we have, the overwhelming majority of American Muslims is well integrated into American society and report criminal activity. Over the past decade, 40% of domestic terrorism plots have been uncovered or deterred with assistance from American Muslims.[iii]
“40% of domestic terrorism plots have been uncovered or deterred with assistance from American Muslims”
Since 100% of the domestic jihad has been by Muslims, what can be said about the other 60%? What Muslims did not turn them in?13. Do American Muslim leaders support freedom of expression and religious liberty?
“support freedom of expression and religious liberty”
Really? Then why do the Muslim Brotherhood organizations demand that only Muslims be allowed to talk about Islam to government officials? That is freedom of expression? Under pressure of Islamic leaders, no US agency can listen to a lecture about Islam if it is given by Kafirs, courtesy of Obama.Yes. Many American Muslim leaders, educational institutions, and advocacy groups have repeatedly spoken out for freedom of expression and are actively involved in promoting religious liberty for all people both in the United States and abroad.
“promoting religious liberty for all people both in the United States and abroad”
The Center for the Study of Political Islam publishes a monthly newsletter called the Bulletin of Christian Persecution. It documents the murder, rape, kidnapping of Christians in Muslim nations. Thousands of Christians, Buddhists, and Hindus die each year at the hands of Muslims. This persecution was started 1400 years ago by Mohammed and sanctioned by Allah. Here is the liberty promised by Allah:Misunderstood terms and practices
Koran 9:29 Fight against such of those to whom the Scriptures were given [Christians] as believe in neither Allah nor the Last Day, who do not forbid what Allah and His apostles have forbidden [follow Sharia], and do not embrace Islam, until they pay the dhimmi tax out of hand and are utterly humiliated.Allah’s liberty for Christians includes murder until the survivors agree to live by the Sharia, pay special taxes and are humiliated.
14. What does “jihad” mean? Isn’t it a “holy war?”
“Jihad” literally means striving, or doing one’s utmost. Within Islam, there are two basic theological understandings of the word: The “Greater Jihad,” is the struggle against the lower self – the struggle to purify one’s heart, do good, avoid evil, and make oneself a better person. The “Lesser Jihad” is an outward struggle. Jihad constitutes a moral principle to struggle against any obstacle that stands in the way of the good. Bearing, delivering, and raising a child, for example, is an example of outward jihad, because of the many obstacles that must be overcome to deliver and raise the child successfully. Jihad may also involve fighting against oppressors and aggressors who commit injustice. It is not “holy war” in the way a crusade would be considered a holy war, and while Islam allows and even encourages proselytizing, it forbids forced conversion. In Islamic tradition, the form of jihad that involves fighting requires specific ethical conditions under which it is permissible to fight, as well as clear rules of engagement such as the requirement to protect non-combatants. Scholars have likened Jihad as fighting to the Christian concept of “just war.”
“The “Greater Jihad,” is the struggle against the lower self – the struggle to purify one’s heart, do good, avoid evil, and make oneself a better person. The “Lesser Jihad” is an outward struggle.”
Let us measure the truth of this statement. The Hadith are the Traditions of Mohammed and are part of the Sunna. The Koran says 91 times that Mohammed is the perfect Muslim and every Muslim is to model their life after him. The prime text for Hadith is by Bukhari. If you count the number of hadiths devoted to jihad, they account for 21% of the total, roughly 1400 traditions about jihad. If you go through these hadiths, less than 2% of them are about the greater jihad. That means that 98% of them are about the lesser jihad of killing Kafirs.“it forbids forced conversion”
That means that the greater jihad is statistically insignificant. Jihad is about the annihilation of Kafirs, said another way, “an outward struggle”.
This implies that there is some sort of “convert or die” situation with Islam. But Islam has always been about death and other religions. For instance according to Sharia law and the Koran, a Muslim is not supposed to kill another Muslim. Not so with Kafirs. Mohammed killed Kafirs repeatedly. First he started killing and robbing pagans. Then he started killing Jews. Next he attacked the Christians. So it may not be convert or die, but it is “convert and you won’t die”.The variety of interpretations of Lesser
When Mohammed died Abu Bakr, his closest Companion, became caliph. His first order of business was to go to war against all Arabs who wanted to leave Islam, the Apostasy war. Apostasy is a capital crime in the Sharia. Leave Islam and you can die.
Jihad or just war over 1400 years in many settings is a complex discussion. Much of the contemporary misuse of the term “jihad” may be dated to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, when stateless actors began to claim the right to declare jihad. In Islamic tradition, there is no theological or political basis for this claim. Radical and extremist groups appropriate and misuse the term “jihad” to give a religious veneer to their violent political movements and tactics.
“Jihad or just war over 1400 years in many settings is a complex discussion.”
Actually, the results of jihad over the last 1400 years are very simple. Look at the Tears of Jihad, the totals of different social groups who were murdered.
Jihad is not a fringe doctrine with a verse or two. Islam has 3 sacred texts—Koran, Sira (Mohammed’s biography) and Hadith (Traditions). Look at how much of them are about jihad.
Tears of Jihad Africans 120 Hindus 80 Christians 60 Buddhists 10 Total 270

The reason that there is so much material about jihad in the later Koran is that it was responsible for the success of Islam.16. Are Muslim men allowed to marry four wives?
Another part of the discussion about jihad is that the Koran and the Sharia demand that part of the obligatory Muslim tax, the zakat, must go to those fighting in Allah’s cause, jihad. Jihad has a budget in the Koran and the Sharia.
While the Qur’an sanctions marriage to up to four wives (Q 4:3), the wording of the verse is understood by some Muslim scholars to allow but at the same time discourage marrying more than one wife. Verse 4:3 says that a Muslim man may marry up to four wives if he can treat them equally. Since men cannot treat any two people equally, the practice which was historically acceptable during times of crisis, like war, is now even outlawed in some Muslim majority nations.
The short answer is yes. Yes, according to the Koran. Yes, according to the Sharia. So that means that it is sacred law and when enough Islamists come to power in a country, polygamy will return. What the Sharia allows is the Pole Star that Islam will revolve around.
From the Sharia: m6.10 It is unlawful for a free man to marry more than four women. It is fitter to confine oneself to just one.Part 3 next...
Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam
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