Or what the New York Times and the Guardian would call an outrageous overreaction by a colonizing power against indigenous militants fighting for freedom and the right to kill women and children.
39-year-old Yael Matzpun was sleeping in a room with her four-year-old daughter and two-year-old son when she was awoken by heavy footsteps in the hall. She knew that her husband, an IDF officer, was not due at home.
“Suddenly I saw a terrorist in a kefiyyeh [head scarf] standing opposite me,” she told Maariv. “I decided that if I didn’t fight, he would murder me and my four children, there would be a massacre like in Itamar, where the Fogels and three of their children were murdered in their home.”The terrorist came from Gaza where security has been compromised due to the terms of Obama/Morsi’s ceasefire. And there are more details on how the attack went down.
The terrorist turned on the light and said something in Arabic, she recalled. He had a knife in one hand and a metal pipe in the other. Suddenly he lunged at Yael, stabbing her in the face and shoulder.
What the terrorist did not know is that Yael is an athlete trained in Krav Maga, Israeli military hand-to-hand combat. She used her skills to drive him back and into the bathroom, and locked him in. At the same time, she pushed her young children to safety.
“I’m very proud of my daughter,” said her father Danni Matzpun. “In my eyes she’s a real hero. She managed, with a great deal of resourcefulness, to push the burglar into the shower, which is next to the bedroom, and then pushed the child’s bed up against the door to prevent him from escaping. Without her quick thinking, it could have ended very badly.”
Once the terrorist was locked away, she called for help. IDF forces arrived only to see the terrorist escaping through a bathroom window. They gave chase and attempted to arrest him, but were forced to open fire when he refused to drop his weapons. The terrorist was killed.
“He got her in the face and shoulder, he had a knife and an iron pipe,” Edry said. “She got up and struggled with him, she fought like a lion.”What most upsets David Carr at the New York Times is the idea of a woman fighting back when members of the news media hit them. As a member of the news media who has hit a few women in his time, Carr would consider this an Israeli action that is truly over the line.
“We’re talking about a physically and mentally strong woman who works as a riding teacher and judges horse competitions,” he noted. “
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