The Oslo Syndrome has spread its catastrophic shadow on Netanyahu.

Mark Langfan
The writer, who writes on security issues, has created an original educational 3d Topographic Map System of Israel to facilitate clear understanding of the dangers facing Israel and its water supply. It has been studied by US lawmakers and can be seen at
On 5 September 1972, when barbaric Palestinian
terrorists (funded by the then-terrorist paymaster, and now Palestinian
Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas), held Israeli athletes at the Munich
Olympic 1972 Games captive, the then-Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir
appealed to other countries to "save our citizens and condemn the
unspeakable criminal acts committed."
On 1 August 2013, Tzipi Livni, speaking to Channel 10 News after meeting with PA negotiator Saeb Erekat in Washington earlier in the week, said that the 104 terrorists Israel agreed to free would be released in small groups - and only if the PA shows that it is serious during the negotiations.
Tzipi Livni is enabling and freeing the very same monster Palestinian Arab terrorists Golda Meir fought and killed.
evil monsters who planned and perpetrated the kidnapping and murder of
the IDF Sergeant Tomer Hazan of Bat Yam, 20, in Samaria on Friday (may
he rest in peace) aren't the only people responsible for his gruesome
death. The Palestinian Arab terrorists were directly responsible, but
they had lots of enablers - in the form of those Israelis and American Jews who brought us the Oslo Murder Process.
of Democratically-elected Israeli governments and hundreds of millions
of dollars of American Left-wing Jewish money have taught the world to
appease bloodthirsty terrorists with more land to better murder more
Israelis (and Americans as well). For, if Islamic terrorism can fool Israel, it will surely work against Washington, DC (let alone the EU).
has taught the world a new norm: Don't just negotiate with terrorists
who murder you, reward them with land and money (so they can more easily
murder more of you). By Israel turning Arafat into a Nobel Peace Prize winner, Israel
has created a precedent for accepting the delusion of peace that hides
the reality of a one-way war of annihilation by your enemies.
Orwellian lesson to the Western World is to call your enemy's war on
you "peace." Better yet, create a murderously false peace like
President Shimon Peres did, and you become world-famous and can fund a
huge foundation.
For, if it is kosher for Rabin and Peres
to talk to Israelis about turning Arafat into a "man of peace," then it
is even more kosher for President Obama to talk to the world about
turning Iranian President Rouhani into another "man of peace."
current negotiations are the perfect legitimizing precedent and
backdrop for Obama to sign a false nuclear agreement with Iran. Did
Netanyahu believe a single word Arafat agreed to by Arafat's signature
at the Wye Plantation that gave up vital Israeli land in Judea and
Samaria? No, he couldn't have..Aren't Israel's current Palestinian Authority negotiations a total fraud? Of course they are. So, if the prime minister can sign a false Wye peace agreement with the wanton terrorist Arafat, and also currently conduct "peace" talks with wanton terrorist Abbas, why can't Obama sign a false peace agreement with the wanton terrorist Rouhani? Netanyahu can't warn the world that "Rouhani is lying," when he knows that Abbas is lying as well.

Who are worse? The Hamas terrorists who honestly and openly admit they want to annihilate Israel, or the PA terrorists who cloak themselves in western suits but all the while secretly plan to annihilate Israel?

Who are worse? The Hamas terrorists who honestly and openly admit they want to annihilate Israel, or the PA terrorists who cloak themselves in western suits but all the while secretly plan to annihilate Israel?
What Peres and Livni will bring to Israel
is not just the one Gilad Shalit in Gaza, they will bring hundreds of
future Gilad Shalits who will be kidnapped from Tel Aviv and slipped
into Livni's Palestinian Arab State. What they will bring Jews
everywhere is the new killing field of Tel Aviv.
Is Israel going
to reinvade a Palestinian Arab state in search of a future “Gilad
Shalit” who is kidnapped and secreted into it? Of course not!Are NATO or American "Peacekeepers" going to forcefully shoot their way into the Palestinian Arab fortified and heavily-armed safe houses in search of kidnapped Israeli soldiers? Of course not.
So, the Israeli government's demand for a "Demilitarized Palestinian West Bank State” is a fraud perpetrated on the Jewish people and the world.
Livni prevaricates
to Israelis and American Jews because she hopes to claim an ephemeral
“success”, one, however, which will threaten Israel's existence.
Golda Meir’s words were just a bit too Israel-centric. What she really should have said is that "if we [Israel]
should give in, then no human being of any nationality, race, or
religion anywhere in the world shall feel that his life is safe... it's
blackmail of the worst kind."By Israel's appeasement of the Palestinian Arab terrorists, Israel has made kosher the international appeasement of Islamist terrorists all over the world.
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