And remember how we saw how the increasingly dictatorial and Islamic Prime Minister of Turkey was using the sign.
We saw how the sign had made it onto T-Shirts in the Jerusalem Old City and onto banners at the side of the stage for Israel’s Islamic Movement (which supports Hamas and Hezbollah and every other Islamic terrorist outfit).
I even gave my readers over at The Times of Israel a quick heads up on R4BIA because we think it will become increasingly important. Lets just remember what this symbol stands for again:
As is common with Islamic movements, the statement of aims for R4BIA is deceptive and mixes innocuous sounding hopes like “R4BIA is the birth of a new movement for freedom and justice” with more troublesome statements like “R4BIA is the end of Zionists”. Not the end of Zionism, the end of Zionists. In such a carefully worded statement, it’s hard to believe this is an oversight.Well here’s a new sighting. The following is the biography of Mohamed Elibiary.
Mohamed Elibiary, Founder, Lone Star Intelligence, LLC
Mohamed Elibiary is the founder of Lone Star Intelligence, LLC. He has advised numerous federal, state and local law enforcement organizations on homeland security-related matters. In 2009 he was acknowledged in a Congressional Research Service report for advising the Information Sharing Environment Program Management Office on the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative. In 2010 he testified before Congress on “Working with Communities to Disrupt Terror Plots.” In 2011 he was awarded the Louis E. Peters Memorial Award, the FBI’s highest public service award for “his extraordinary contributions to specific cases in support of the FBI’s counterterrorism mission.” In 2012 the Office of the Federal Public Defender, a division of the U.S. Court, recognized Mohamed for his “tremendous service” leveraging his Homegrown Violent Extremism expertise in the United States vs. Daniel Patrick Boyd counter-terrorism case.
It may surprise you to learn that biography comes from the Department of Homeland Security’s website. Yup, the US DHS, charged with protecting America from the terrorists. Mr Elibiary is an advisor to the DHS.
Well Mohamed is now proudly displaying the R4BIA symbol on his Twitter profile icon. That’s a bit of a shock. Or maybe not. He’s
also using his twitter profile to claim that any Christians slaughtered
by Muslims probably had it coming because they must have insulted the
Muslims first. Nice guy. He was personally appointed to his post at the DHS by Janet Napolitano.
h/t to Dee on Twitter for this amazing find.
Update: site MFS – The Other News had this up a couple of weeks ago.
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