By Nurit Greenger | June 25, 2014
Disinformation, is false information, or deliberately misleading
information, often put out as propaganda and that is what the Arabs, headed by
Mahmoud Abbas-Abu Mazen, and their cohorts, the anti-Semites of all sort and
their cohorts are using to delegitimize and demonize Israel.
Israel has got ONE effective tool to use, that is the truth and it must use
it offensively.
Mervin, claims that Israel is the world’s first modern indigenous state. Ryan
is a Métis from Paddle Prairie Metis settlement in Canada. His father, Mervin
Bellerose, co-authored the Métis Settlements Act of 1989, which was passed by
the Alberta legislature in 1990 and cemented the Métis’ land rights. Ryan
founded Canadians for Accountability, a native rights advocacy group, and he is
an organizer and participant in the Idle No More movement in Calgary. And he is
a Zionist who visits Israel frequently.
guides many Israelis and many have taken on his guidance, among them Knesset
members, to start making the claim, be recognized, defined and proclaim themselves
as the Indigenous Population of Eretz Yisrael, meaning the Land of Israel, AKA
Palestine, an arbitrary name to some.
The author, Bat-Zion
(Batzi) Susskind-Sacks, has taken on Ryan’s teaching in her article, “Truth is: Recognition of Jewish indigenous rights to Eretz Yisrael (
struck her the most about Ryan’s lecture she attended is the fact that the term
“indigenous” is not just about blood quantum, a way used to determine an
individual’s tribal affiliation and legal rights to land, to a territorial
scope. According to Ryan, and now Batzi, being indigenous is also determined,
among some other factors, by the preservation and management of recognized Holy
Sites. If this is one aspect of holding indigenous status that Jews are good
at, it is certainly the way they revere and manage their Holy Sites, some are
Biblical and are thousands of years old.
reverence for these sites, the constant longing to visit them and pray in them
has been expressed in Jewish ancient prayers, their literature and art. Ryan,
being an activist for Indigenous Canadians, recognizes and appreciates these
facts. This aspect of Jewish indigenous affiliation has been very instrumental
in Ryan’s desire to organize a trip to Israel, which, he believes, will help
his people experience what he has. His message is very powerful, a tool every
Israeli must adopt.
the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (
it states:
the term ‘indigenous’
the diversity of indigenous peoples, an official definition of “indigenous” has
not been adopted by any UN-system body. Instead the system has developed a
modern understanding of this term based on the following:
•Self- identification as indigenous peoples
at the individual level and accepted by the community as their member.
• Historical continuity with pre-colonial
and/or pre-settler societies
• Strong link to territories and surrounding
natural resources
• Distinct social, economic or political
• Distinct language, culture and beliefs
• Form non-dominant groups of society
Resolve to maintain and reproduce their ancestral environments and systems as
distinctive peoples and communities.”
is the precise description of the Jews in the Land of Israel. If the Arabs have
a similar claim, there no reason for them to prioritize their claim on account
of the Jews, rather accept them as equal.
one continues reading the UN definition of indigenous people, the document
provides a definition of the Culture and Knowledge of the Indigenous People:
peoples are the holders of unique languages, knowledge systems and beliefs and
possess invaluable knowledge of practices for the sustainable management of
natural resources. They have a special relation to and use of their traditional
land. Their ancestral land has a fundamental importance for their collective
physical and cultural survival as peoples. Indigenous peoples hold their own
diverse concepts of development, based on their traditional values, visions,
needs and priorities.”
this description refutes any claim that it does not describe the Jews of Israel
and their connection to and affiliation with Eretz Yisrael-The Land of Israel.
And with that, will there be someone to rise up and say that this definition does
not legitimize the Jews’ claim to this land, to their ancestral land? How about
starting with the people in Israel who use the wrong terminology and narrative
and have the wrong approach? Then, once the Israelis have had their lesson and
learned it well, the next one to teach is the U.N and then each and every
person on earth who still objects to Jews being the indigenous people of the
Land of Israel.
To strengthen this claim one has to take action and act the
part. At the recent Conference of the Committee Against the De-Legitimization
of Israel held in Jerusalem attended by Governor Mike Huckabee, members of Knesset,
head of organizations and Jewish patriots (
strong words were said as to how to go about taking action in defense of Israel.

It is nonsense that people say they have nothing against
Jews, rather against the state of the Jews, Israel. Can we say, for argument’s
sake, we have nothing against the Irish, Italians or French but Ireland, Italy
and France should be destroyed? So it is hostility against the Jews, it is
anti-Semitism wearing a modern dress.
According to Morton Klein, the president of the Zionist
Organization of America (ZOA) words matter. Using the wrong words delegitimize
Israel, they cause damage even can end up in killing.
Therefore, Israelis, Jews and advocates for Israel should use
the right and accurate words in telling the truth, as oppose to the words the
media and Israel’s enemies want them to use and they use themselves.
saying, Arab-Israeli conflict. It does not exist. Instead say, the Arabs’ war
with Israel, because that is what it is.
saying, “peace process,” rather, maybe say, ‘negotiating process’; we know it
is not leading to peace so do not give legitimacy to it by using this term.
saying, “we do not have a partner [to peace],” that gives some legitimacy to
those arrive to “negotiate.” Rather, tell what Abbas is. He is the enemy, who
does not want peace. We have to demonize this Jew and Israel hater.
saying the words “two states solution.” Israel is already a state; by using
this term it is as if each side is getting something out of it. You can say,
the ‘fraud Palestinian state solution,’ and by that you are not ignoring the
fact that Israel is already a full-fledged state. Between
1947-to-1967, when the Arabs controlled Judea and Samaria and Gaza, they did
not think about establishing and did not established a state, because their
goal is not a statehood.
All these
terms are made to destroy Israel and nothing will work until the Arabs realize
that it is hopeless for them to try destroying Israel, but that time has not
come yet.
Stop saying
the words “West Bank.” Menachem Begin came to America and begged the Jewish
leaders to stop using these two words’ term used by the Arabs to deJudaize
Judea and Samaria. We should, forever, use the names Judea and Samaria. How
difficult is it?
Stop saying
and using the term “settlements.” These are Jewish communities, not
settlements, as if they are a bunch of tents on a hill top somewhere.
Let us
call this racism when people say that 350,000 Jews, presently living in
Judea and Samaria, should not be allowed to live there. We need to ask why is
it that 350,000 Jews cannot live among one million Arabs living in Judea and
Samaria, but 1.5 million Arabs can live among 6.5 million Jews in Israel.
Whoever disagrees is complicit to racism and anti-Semitism. We should call a
spade a spade.
saying that Jerusalem is holy to Moslems; that is a propaganda lie! The word
Jerusalem does not appear in the Qur’an, ever. It however appears 700 times in
the Jewish Holy Scriptures. From 1948-to-1967 when the Arabs controlled the
eastern part of the city, no Arab leader visited it and they allowed the city
to remain a slum. We must stop acting as if the Arabs have any religious,
historic, or political right to Jerusalem and stop acting as if we have to make
a deal about Jerusalem. Aren’t you sick and tired of the lies? After all there
is no basis to their argument and the Arabs have no right to make it their
Stop helping
the BDS movement (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) by using the word
“occupation.” There is no occupation. Israel has already given away almost half
of Judea and Samaria, where 99% of the Arabs live. They are running their own
lives there except for security. If they were not constantly developing
terrorist cells, trained to murder Jews, Israeli forces would not have to be present
in Judea and Samaria, in the areas that Israel gave away.
Let us
make it clear to the world that the Jewish communities comprise only 3% of
Judea and Samaria when the images all over the place in to the contrary. I wish
it wasn’t this way but it is. Since the Oslo process began in 1993, no new
Jewish community was built, only Jewish homes in the boundaries of the legal
existing communities; and let us constantly remind the world that Israel gained
that land in a defensible war in 1967, land that Jordan occupied, illegally,
from 1948-to-1967. More so, in 1988 King Hussein relinquished all claims to
Judea and Samaria, a claim he never had to begin with. This land falls under
the unallocated international land status. Therefore, of course, there is no
occupation and the Jews have the greater legal, political, historic and
religious claim to it than any Arab or Moslem ever did.
We should
condemn, with all of our hearts and souls, the old-new alliance of Hamas and
Fatah; Fatah’s alliance is with a Nazi group whose charter calls for the murder
of every single Jew on earth. What the USA, the EU and the UN have done is
nothing short of diplomatic Kristallnacht. Not only that
they have not criticized it, they have embraced this alliance and agreed to
negotiate with it and fund it. How discreditable.
We should make it clear that this is called the Promised Land and we should
ask everyone, who promised this land and to whom did He promise this land.
Because God promised this land to the Jews and God does not break His promise.
The name Im
Tirtzu, means, 'If you will it' (,
name based on a phrase by Theodor Herzl. It is a Zionism and idealistic movement for national self-determination of the
Jewish People, a Zionist extra-parliamentary group, based in Israel, defending
Israel. According to Im Tirtzu, Israel’s adversaries are crossing international
borders and Israel needs to cross international borders as well and work
together with her supporters to counter them. They see a phenomenon of ‘self-anointed
saviors,’ in the USA and the EU, who think that they have all the answers when
it comes to Israel. They have decided that when it comes to Israel’s vision,
Israel is expected to adopt their vision, meaning make certain concessions,
adopt and drop certain policies, all, ultimately, for the greater good of
Israel, because they know better than the Israelis. A lot of it is to protect
Israel from herself. Because they know better what is good for Israel, part of
their vision is that maybe, there should not be a Jewish state and maybe it
should simply be a state of its citizens who live with diminished security, in
Auschwitz borders, all in the name of “rescuing” the Jewish nation. More so, they
believe in tough love with those stubborn and short sighted Israelis. So the
Israelis’ modern “saviors,” the self-anointed ones, are going to use some
tactics, like boycotting, divestments, sanctions, all for the greater good, all
for bringing Israel back to line because somehow they know better than the
Israelis themselves. Im Tirtzu tasks us to ask the following question: What do
we do and how do we react to this toxic, corrosive and pervasive state of
affairs? Do we subject the State of Israel to death by 1000 cuts or, do we call
out the self-anointed ones? Do we expose them for their duplicitous conduct,
for their two faced behavior, for their empty expressions of support for Israel
even as they make common cause with the true enemies of Israel?
By now we need to know the answers. Time to call these people out and
expose their two faced behavior. We need to point finger at those European
sponsored NGO’s who give huge sums of money to organizations that are not
accepted in Israel and shine a light on what they are doing.
So, start
shining a bright light on all the darkness we have put up with thus far, NOW.
of children
Remember, hypocrisy and disinformation have no boundaries, have no
shame. They are tools in a psychological and political war, now being used against
the state of Israel. If a Russian child went missing under the same
circumstances as the three boys, kidnapped by terrorists in Israel, Putin would
have ordered his army to level one village after the other till the boy was
found. But since the Jews fall under singled standard no other country will
agree to operate along, Israel is required to continue life as if nothing
happened. The boys’ lives are insignificant to the world out there. And the
United Nations Human Right Council is much more concerned about the rights of
terrorists than the rights and lives of three Israeli teenagers, kidnapped on
their way back from school. Speaking about a nauseating world, this one is for
Time to go on the offense, and how!
If we, Jews, and those who support Israel, do not change the lexicon
so wrongly being used daily, if we do not tell it as it is, if we do not speak
the truth and the truth only, the attacks on Israel and Jews will only be
embolden and strengthened.
Stand up
and be counted and accounted and from here on use a totally new approach. Our
togetherness will win the uphill battle.
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