The former Chairman of perhaps the most notorious mosque in the U.S. sits on the Board of an organization that has received 501(c)(3) tax exempt status. Bassam Estwani, who led the Dar al-Hijrah mosque for years prior to 9/11 and who welcomed Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi into the mosque, as reported by [see photo here] is listed as a member of the Board of Directors for a group identified as Mercy Without Borders. The Tax ID is listed as 45-5259026.

Bassam Estwani with Hillary Clinton at White House EID in 2000.
As the IRS scandal, which involves the targeting of law-abiding conservative groups and the awarding of tax-exempt status to stealth jihadists, continues to unfold, it is becoming obvious that the groundwork for such an egregious disparity began years ago - in the Clinton White House. As recently uncovered photos reveal [click here], Estwani is an extremely heavy hitter for the Muslim Brotherhood in America.
The American Spectator's Jeffrey Lord rightly likened close Hillary Clinton adviser Huma Abedin to Alger Hiss. However, the top priority of a good spy is stealth. Abedin was good at that but not good enough. Until now, Estwani has largely flown under the radar, despite leading the Dar al-Hijrah mosque for several years. That mosque was visited by three 9/11 hijackers and Fort Hood jihadist Nidal Malik Hasan. Hasan's notorious imam, Anwar al-Awlaki served as an imam there.
Estwani resembles Hiss a bit more than Abedin does.

Mahdi Bray (far left) and Estwani (far right).
Estwani sits on the Board of another organization with 501(c)(3) status. His fellow board member is named Dr. Yahya Basha, who is also a Foundation Board Member of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) and is associated with several other Muslim groups. None other than Mahdi Bray once served as MPAC's Executive Director.
In this video, Bray can be seen standing next to convicted terrorist Adurahman Alamoudi in Lafayette Park, directly across the street from the White House, on October 28, 2000. In the video, Bray can be seen raising his arms in support of Alamoudi's expressions of support for Hamas and Hezbollah:
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