Monday, September 15, 2008

Paranoia, Islam, and the West

Of course, there is a very simple reason why Muslims believe the following conspiracy theories, and why they are convinced that the West is out to get them: based on their religious worldview -- Dar al-Harb vs. Dar al-Islam -- the infidel West is a de facto enemy, and thus all of its intentions and actions must be, one way or another, nefarious and counter-Islam. "Many Muslims see this as war on them," by Hoppy Kercheval for the Charleston Daily Mail, September 12:

SEVEN years after 9/11 there persist two distinctly different views of the attacks that blue September day.

Our view, and the one supported by the facts, is that we were savagely attacked by radical Muslims trying to strike a blow that would force the West to cede interest in the Middle East.

Then there's a view prominent in the Arab world, fueled by rumor and suspicion, that the United States and/or Israel were behind the attacks.


The theories, which are molded and advanced through casual conversations in cafes to Middle East media outlets and even government officials, place the United States and the Jews/Israel/Zionists behind most every attack, tragedy and malady that strikes.

More unfortunate is when these "theories" infiltrate the Western mind -- especially intelligence officers, such as ex-CIA analyst, Michael Scheuer, who also sees Jews/Israel/Zionism behind everything.
In a story from Cairo this week, the New York Times reported that the rumors over time have become the conventional wisdom.

At the top of the rumor pyramid is the belief that the United States orchestrated the 9/11 attacks to provide an excuse to wage war on Muslims.

Thanks Dhimmi Watch.

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