Israel, of course, is forced to fight with one hand tied behind its back -- tied by the so-called "international community" that puts enormous pressure upon it, and even convinces the weak-minded in the American government to join in, when the Israeli goal is actually quite simple and straightforward.. That goal is to stop the sending of thousands of rockets indiscriminately (or discriminately, for that matter) into Israel, into such major population centers as Ashkelon, Ashdod, and now Beersheva, requiring nearly a million Israelis to have to worry all the time about the 15 seconds they have to find shelter against incoming rockets. It's a very simple demand. It has nothing to do with changing the immutable ideology of Hamas. It has nothing to do with winning unwinnable -- because firmly inculcated with Islam -- hearts and minds. It is purely a military matter: is Hamas going to be allowed to continue a gigantic, a truly monstrous arms buildup, with every kind of missile that the Iranians or others can supply them with, or is it not?
Never mind the Gazan Arabs’ consistent whine that they have every right -- see the Hamas charter, do, it's long past time that you read it and took it seriously -- to steadily pile up rockets and other war materiel for the sole purpose of using it against Israel, and whenever they can to send those rockets whirring into Israel. Never mind the absurdity of Hamas and the Gazan Arabs complaining of how unfair it is of Israel to try to interdict those arms smuggled into Gaza, and of how further unfair it is of Israel to complain when a few dozen such rockets are lobbed during the "ceasefire" every month. Then when Hamas declares (on December 19) that it will no longer "observe" (it never really did, but only diminished the numbers of rockets it used) the ceasefire, it underscores this by sending 70 rockets in a single day toward Israel's population centers. Never mind all that, and never mind the idiotic notion that Israel has to "win Arab hearts and minds." That kind of thing can only be said by those who simply refuse to acquaint themselves with Qur'an, Hadith, and Sira, refuse to listen to what the sermons of imams contain, refuse to look at the Arab textbooks, refuse to read any of the great Western scholars -- or for that matter the great Muslim scholars -- of Islam, refuse to heed the growing number, in the West, of articulate defectors from the Army of Islam, such as Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, and Ibn Warraq.
And never mind the whining about Israel not being quick, even being -- how dare Israel? -- reluctant to supply those who wish to destroy it with electric power supplied by Israel's grid, and goods and services of every kind, and even continued access to free Israeli medical care for difficult cases. All this the Gazan Arabs, like the "West Bank" Arabs, have come to believe is theirs by right, without the slightest sign of embarrassed recognition of what might be called cognitive dissonance about the "Nazi-like Israelis" who have for decades offered them this access, this service, with scarcely anyone in the Western world even bothering to note this, as if it were a thing of no account.
No, never mind all that. Never mind that Gazan Arabs do not work, and have not tried in the slightest to do anything except to make war on Israel, for they exist knowing that UNRWA and the Infidel donors of Europe and America will always be there to relieve them of the hard work of existence. And note that the Gazan Arabs and the "West Bank" Arabs and the other so-called "Arab refugees" are the spoiled children of the "international community" that has been so thoroughly penetrated, manipulated, and dominated by the Muslim Arabs, or by an Islamintern, that we find that 2% of the U.N.'s total budget goes each year for the exclusive benefit of the "Palestinian" Arabs, and 3% of the U.N. budget goes for all of the hundreds of millions of other refugees all over the world. And those "Palestinian" so-called "refugee camps" are in essence cities, with -- for god's sake -- DVD stores (some of them have been bombed by too-enthusiastic Muslims) and cell-phone stores. Some refugee camps! Yet the Gazan Arabs manage to keep themselves on the U.N. and Infidel dole. Why are not the rich Arabs taking care of their fellow members of the umma? They, after all, are rolling in still-unspent hundreds of billions. And aren't Muslims supposed to help fellow Muslims? Didn't Allah send the oil, and therefore the oil revenues, for the enjoyment not of some but of all of those who constitute his "best of peoples," that is, the Muslim Arabs?
Just keep this in mind: if there were no rockets shot into Israel, no fantastic arms buildup of military equipment, smuggled under several hundred tunnels that have been carefully constructed (and from the secondary explosions that you can see from the bombing of them, these places were full of arms), then there would be nothing, absolutely nothing, not a gun, not a tank, not an airplane, not a paper airplane, from Israel going into Gaza.
It is a simple choice. It is the most understandable and basic request: stop sending rockets, stop spending all of your energies making war or preparing for war. Leave us alone. That's all. Just leave us alone. That is what any country -- even besieged and thrown-to-the-Muslim-wolves Israel -- has a right, and a duty, to demand..
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