Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Gaza by the Numbers

Israel’s Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

396 truckloads of humanitarian aid that have been delivered through Israeli crossings into Gaza since the beginning of Operation Cast Lead, including basic food commodities, medication, medical supplies, blood units and donations by various governments and blood units. [3]

80 truckloads of humanitarian aid expected to arrive in Gaza on Jan. 5 [4]

20 Palestinians evacuated to Israel for medical treatment (including two children) [5]

800,000+ leaflets disseminated by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to Gaza civilians instructing them to stay away from terrorist and weapons storage sites [6]

70+ times the IDF warned populated areas before conducting airstrikes [7]

10,000 tons of aid transported into Gaza at the request of international organizations, the Palestinian Authority and various governments since the beginning of Operation Cast Lead. The World Food Program informed Israel last week that that it would cease shipment of food to Gaza because warehouses are at full capacity, with enough food to last two weeks. [8]

0 wounded Palestinians allowed by Hamas to cross from Gaza into Egypt for treatment. [9]

Iran-backed Hamas Rocket, Mortar Attacks and Nuclear Developments

10,000+ rockets and mortars fired from Gaza since 2001. [10]

3,200+ rockets and mortars fired from Gaza in 2008 alone. [11]

6,500+ rockets and mortars fired from Gaza since Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005. [12]

538+rockets and mortars fired from Gaza into Israeli territory during the ceasefire from June 19 to Dec. 19, 2008. [13]

480 rockets and mortars fired from Gaza into Israel since Operation Cast Lead began Dec. 27. [14]

28 deaths caused by rockets and mortars fired from Gaza into Israel since 2001. The dead include Israelis, Palestinians and foreign workers. Since the ceasefire ended, Iran-backed Palestinian groups in Gaza fired rockets and mortars that killed an Israeli-Arab construction worker and a mother of four who was seeking shelter in a bus station as a rocket warning siren sounded. [15]

1,000+ people in Israel injured from rockets and mortars fired from Gaza since 2001, including Israelis, Palestinians and foreign workers. Since the start of Israel’s defensive operation in Gaza Dec. 27, 90 Israelis have been injured and at least 244 have been treated for shock. [16]

20,000 Hamas terrorists Israel is targeting as part of its defensive operations [17]

1,000,000 Israeli civilians Hamas is targeting and can reach. [18]

15 seconds Israelis have to get to a bomb shelter once a warning siren has sounded. [19]

8 years Israel has endured rockets and mortar fire from Gaza [20]

3 mosques in Gaza used as weapons, ammunitions and explosives depots that were struck by the Israel Defense Forces during the operation in Gaza. [21] The strikes occurred only at night and never during prayer times, to avoid civilian casualties.

4 UN Security Council resolutions passed since 2006 to try to stop Iran from enriching uranium. [22]

5,000+ number of centrifuges operating in Iran to enrich uranium, the material used to produce a nuclear weapon. [23]

What Israel Gave Up in Hopes of Peace - Gaza Withdrawal Aug. 2005

100% proportion of the Gaza Strip evacuated and handed over to the Palestinians. [24]

300 square miles of the West Bank evacuated. [25]

21 Israeli settlements uprooted in the Gaza Strip. [26]

4 Israeli settlements uprooted in the West Bank. [27]

48 graves uprooted in Gaza’s former Gush Katif Cemetery, including six graves of area residents murdered by terrorists. [28]

9,000 approximate number of Israelis, including 1,700 families, who lived in Gaza and the northern West Bank. All of them were moved out as part of the withdrawal. [29]

38 synagogues dismantled in the Gaza Strip. [30]

5,000 school-age children who had to find new schools. [31]

42 daycare centers that were closed in the Gaza Strip. [32]

36 kindergartens that were closed in the Gaza Strip. [33]

7 elementary schools that were closed in the Gaza Strip. [34]

3 high schools that were closed in the Gaza Strip. [35]

320 mobile homes, ordered by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, to serve as temporary housing for settlers. [36]

45,000 Israeli soldiers and policemen who participated in the Gaza withdrawal. [37]

$1.7 billion the approximate cost to the Israeli government for the withdrawal initiative. [38]

166 Israeli farmers who were moved out of Gaza. [39]

800 cows, which comprised the second largest dairy farm in Israel, moved out of Gaza’s Gush Katif community. [40]

$120 million value of flowers and produce exported annually from Gush Katif and lost following the evacuation. [41]

1 zoo, the “Katifari,” that housed hundreds of animals and was moved. [42]

10,000 people who were employed in agriculture and related industries in Gush Katif, including 5,000 Palestinians. [43]

60% proportion of Israel's cherry tomato exports that came from the Gaza Strip. Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza extinguished this economic resource. [44]

3.5 million square meters (almost 1,000 acres) of greenhouses abandoned in Gaza. [45]

70 percentage of Israel's organic produce grown in Gaza – another economic resource lost in the evacuation. [46]

60 percentage of herbs exported from Israel that came from Gush Katif. [47]

15 percentage of Israel agricultural exports that originated in Gaza – exports lost following Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza. [48]

$360,000 expected average compensation amount Israel expected to pay to relocate each family. [49]

$870 million approximate cost for Israel to facilitate the resettlement of former West Bank and Gaza residents elsewhere in the country. [50]

$500 million amount of money Israel's security establishment spent to relocate Israel Defense Forces bases outside the Gaza Strip and build new border crossing facilities. [51]

After Israel’s evacuation from Gaza…

430,000 West Bank Palestinians able to move freely within and between Palestinian-controlled areas. [52]

1 Israeli remaining in Gaza. Staff Sgt. Gilad Shalit was abducted from Israel on June 25, 2006 by Hamas in a bloody cross-border raid in which the terrorists also killed two IDF soldiers and wounded four others. [53]

1.2 million Arabs who remained full and legal citizens of Israel. All Israeli citizens – Christians, Muslims, and Jews – have freedom of speech, religion, press, and the right to vote. [54]

1.3 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip many of them in Palestinian Authority-controlled refugee camps, who live under their own leaders. [55]

820,000 Jewish refugees forced to flee without their belongings from Arab countries between 1947 and 1949, and who have never been compensated by Arab governments for their losses. [58]

650,000 Arab refugees who left Israel from 1947-1949 and still need Palestinian leaders who will end terrorism and the culture of hate. [57]

Israel’s withdrawal from four northern West Bank settlements created an area more than twice the size of Gaza’s 140 square miles under Palestinian control and devoid of any Israeli presence. [58]


Anonymous said...

The recent events suggest that Hamas are progressively out-manouvering Israel in the war of perception.

The arguement of 'who is terrorising who' and 'who is defending from whose agression' go the core of both Palestine and Israeli existence. Recent actions have significantly undermined the previously dominant Israeli position here- and it is hard to see how they might regain the moral high ground again.

It is in this war that the UN's and ultimately the US's involvement will be revolve around. The US abstention in the security council ceasefire resolution is a significant signal that it cannot provide indefinite support in the face of global repudiation of Israel's position.

The Israeli endgame of eradicating Hamas through a decisive military victory severely calls into question the ability of the IDF to competently advise their political partners. Despite the Israeli closure of Gaza to journalists it has been impossible to restrict the wider world catching glimpses of the horrendous situation that is being perpetrated. As a result Israel has been forced to defend the IDF's actions to world and also to its key sponsors- the US and the UN. This is where Hamas have inflicted the real damage.

Forced onto the back foot the Israel PR machine has been pushed into the realms of blatent miss-information and increasing irrelevance. Its credibility has been severely damaged, and continues to be by such revelations as the Israeli forced admissions to the UN of shelling a packed school building, while categorically denying it in public. Its public denials regarding its illegal use of white phosphorus in dense civilan areas have been found to similarly miss-leading. Hamas's relative silence and primary reliance on directly reported imagery really has blown apart Israel's strategy of restricting reporting and conducting a 'talking offensive'.

The debate has been altered to such an extent that it is now no longer credible to consider Hamas an 'Agent of Terror' without putting the IDF in the same frame- access to weaponry being the more fundamental difference than intent to perpetrate fear. One has terrorised and killed 3 civilians firing handmade rockets at several small towns, the other has terrorised and killed over 500 people and wounded over 3000 using 21st century guided missiles and weaponry within one of the densest urban areas in the world. Similarly the Palestinian claim that its actions are ‘defensive’ against a long term aggressor that has threatened it territorially, economically, humanitarianly and ultimately existentially, are very much more plausible than those of Israel. There is little doubt as to whether the current predicament of Israel or Palestine would justify the more concerted defensive action.

Poor Mr Regev, the interminable Israeli spokesman, has been sounding increasingly deranged in his desperate attempts to regain the moral high ground. He recently told the BBC that Israel's goals were "very minimalistic" and "purely defensive".

GS Don Morris, Ph.D./Chana Givon said...

This is not new information-Israel's PR strategy has been behind our enemies for some time. The good news is they are learning and have taken some positive steps forward. I would argue that it is the media, especially CNN,BBC,France 2 and other Western firms that continue to operate without journalistic integrity.Until such time as the media begins to behave responsibly and with some modicum of journalistic credibility the "perception" will not be changed. Indeed, this and many other blogs have and are currently posting pieces addressing this issue. Furthermore, we are holding the media's collective feet to "the fire"-we ask that the entire community of conscious people do the same. doc