Sunday, August 09, 2009

“Fishing” for an Appropriate Response

Norma Zager

“We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it.” Edward R. Murrow Richard Nixon had an enemies list. Joe McCarthy gave a pass to those who turned in their communist neighbors and friends. The Nazis had the Hitler Youth who happily turned their traitorous family into the Gestapo for a new pair of black boots. In 2009 we have the “fishy” Chicago version of turn them in and we’ll take them out.

In my last article, many responded they were dismayed that I hadn’t spoken up when an ultra liberal, anti-Semitic Jewish acquaintance maligned someone for being pro-Israel. Did I actually do nothing about her comments to dispel her egregious behavior? There is an old newspaper saying, “Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel.”

I did what any journalist should do when faced with a grievous wrong—I wrote an article that described her bad behavior to over 100,000 readers. I used my pen as my sword—or in this case my computer. In that moment she may have shouted me down as she had done many times before, but after battling 100,000 she lost. Exposing her unfortunate remark created an awareness proven by the very volume of letters we received. Her self-loathing elitist comment awakened in our readers a spark of anger toward injustice and a recognition of all those who have shared similar experiences with other arrogant individuals.

Never laugh in the face of fate. No one, not even the elite of Beverly Hills, is immune from hatred and violence. The surface today is so weak, and the heat in the lava underneath so intense, a tragic day may come when even the elite in Beverly Hills or Manhattan who dismiss the pro-Israel, conservative, possibly Republican “other” may lament and ask “How did we get here?” Will they understand it was their words and self-loathing that fueled evil’s journey?

Seven decades ago people in utter amazement asked the very same question. The realization came too late, perhaps as they were dying in the streets, marching to gas chambers or crowded into cattle trains.

I took my argument to the people, as is my right in the Constitution.

However, what does free speech accomplish without a free press? Very little I’m afraid.

In the 1950s as Joe McCarthy held America hostage with threats and blacklists, people feared for their safety. McCarthy’s reach was so long it could invade lives and ruin careers. Edward R. Murrow and his brave staff challenged a powerful evil and destroyed its reign over America by using the most powerful weapon, truth.

Murrow took his battle to the people and destroyed McCarthy’s grasp on America’s throat. Had CBS president William S. Paley cowered as networks do today, the landscape of America might have changed forever to one of fear. Perhaps to one where websites ask people to report “fishy” behavior of others to the government?

Were Woodward and Bernstein intimidated by threats enough to shirk their duties as reporters to seek the truth, Nixon and all his cronies would never have paid for their crimes. Stripping Nixon of power was indeed payment for his misdeeds.

I am appalled watching the American people who avail themselves of their right to free speech criticized, slandered and in danger of being placed on a list for their “fishy” behavior. Maligning Americans while the administration seeks political correctness for our enemies is a blatant attempt to shift the blame from murderous Islamic extremists to their innocent victims.

May I remind the administration what ultimately happens to politicians who threaten American freedoms?

Now more than ever before, with the advent and proliferation of communication systems via ever-changing technological advances, “reporting” is done instantaneously. Using one’s phone as a camera, news travels with the speed of light. There are armies of reporters – all of us combined – and news cannot be hidden or suppressed.

When did peaceful dissent become wrong in America? Not since McCarthy have so many been so threatened for their opinions.

During the Viet Nam War protestors sparked huge controversy and some even stood trial for exercising free speech. The difference was a supportive and truthful press that called out the administration for their misdeeds. If the people were responsible for ending the war, it was only because they had the media’s powerful backing.

We can call every racist, anti-Semite and left-wing kook on the carpet for his evil ways, and we should. However, when we can call them out publicly, when we speak up as a powerful group and insist the press join our battle and report it fairly and accurately, we create a greater impact. We have to choose our battles wisely.

Americans are in the gravest danger they have ever faced as a nation. For the first time in history they have a corrupt, oppressive government and no one to fight alongside them.

Without Murrows, Ben Bradlees or a mainstream media that is not in the President’s pocket, America is doomed. The voice of the people is so silent even the buffoons in Congress do not fear for their political lives.

In my way I called out the bad guy by taking my message to the people. Perhaps I should have made another attempt to reason with the unreasonable, I suppose I’ve given up. Someone once said never argue with a drunk or a fool. I subscribe to that theory. The response has shown me there are far more of us non-fools than I imagined, and perhaps that knowledge will embolden me the next time. Unfortunately, I am certain that won’t be too long coming.

There is, I discovered, a spark of hope. I am not alone. Tens of thousands are expressing similar disgust at what is happening, imagine how many more are yet to speak out. We must fight the fight worth fighting – protecting that which we hold dear in our America. This great country is unique, the envy of the rest of the world and a source of inspiration to millions the world over. Let us do our part to protect it, invest in its people and work even harder to ensure it is still here for generations to come.

Let us also thank God someone is still free to speak her mind, no matter how foolish and unfortunate her words and attitudes may be.

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