Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hate is not a formula for peace! Israel does not hate the Arabs do!

Nurit Greenger

December 20, 2009

It is typically Jewish to explain. Among the world’s nations Israel the only country in the world that has no Public Relations (PR) machine. What it has is "Hasbara," translates into explaining. I often wonder if this failing “Hasbara” approach is simply a substitute for apologizing, appeasing, and making excuses.Israel, how about changing the failing ”Hasbara”-explaining policy to forceful Marketing or Selling of issues with facts only. It is time Israel realizes that it cannot play the game of chess by rules of checkers. It will not convince anyone, even if it is right on every issue, unless Israel speak the language of its opponents and foes.

It is time Israel and Jews choose their battle and win it: Israel has the right to exist with totally security and peace and if it is to live next door to a "Palestinian" State it can transpire only if the Palarabs get off their: H-O-R-S-E!

H-for Human Rights: Israel’s foes and opponents claim that all that is wrong with Israel is its lack of Human Rights. How about not showing empathy without sympathy? Pictures of dead civilians on both sides are really dreadful.

O-for Occupation: The bathroom cubicle on an airplane is "Occupied. Israelis and Jews must not and cannot deny the connection between the Jewish Nation-Am Yisrael and the Land of Israel-the Holy Land. Knowledge is to know it is a fact and wisdom is to know it is the right of the Jewish Nation to be there. Just like Knowledge is to know that tomato is fruit and wisdom is to know that you do not put a tomato in fruit salad.

R-for Racism: Branding Israel as an Apartheid State is to systematically delegitimizing Israel. If we cannot beat it by warfare then we must do it by lawfare! Israel is a democracy and there is no evidence that in Israel the minority rules and controls the majority with discrimination. For better or worse, the Palarabs manage their own affairs only that Israel has to keep its military around the Arab population otherwise they kill each other and then go kill the Jews and the bloodshed is endless.

S-for Settlements: We must complain where the anti-Settlements come from. The Palarabs do not want the Jews to build; for them each dunam (land measure from the Othman Empire time, still being used in Israel) a Jew builds a home on makes their delusional state smaller.

To the Left we must say: we wish you were Right in your argument. The issue is not settlements. See now the Palarabs are shooting at each other. That is why Israel shifter to the Right because when Israel did what the Left wanted it did not work. If you are again Settlements you are politically correct or anti-Semitic or both.

E-for Extremism. What is Extremism? It is proportionality — eye for an eye — kindergarten for kindergarten. What is disproportionate!? Everyone who is innocent and is caught in a war is a terrible thing.

However the question is: how do we get to the point of no war?!

Israel: you can not reach peace with a party that all it wants to do is to destroy you. A party that all it leans about you is lies, deception, and you having warped and despicable image cannot fathom having peace with you.

You can't reach peace with the Arabs while all they lean is to hate Jews and Israelis, to fight, kill and annihilate you, to launch jihad against you for which they will be paid with holy martyrdom.

It is time Israeli becomes more politically corrupt than politically correct.

Israel’s “Hasbara“ must be: “We are offended by the way you treat us and talk about us.” This will throw off all of Israel’s foes.

Israel’s must take off the gloves and fight back to H-A-R-M:

H-stop Humiliating us and Humiliate back

A-Answer; Israel must not remain silence

R-Refrain from accusing us; you know this is not the issue. Answer the question and then defer it.

M-what is our Message? See who your audience is and then strike with a clear message.

To achieve possible peace Israel needs to get offended. Israel wants peace but it is terribly offended by how you, Arab-Palestinians and all others who constantly bash Israel for being the obstacle to achieve peace treat it.

The more humiliated Israelis and Jews are the more united we are to defend our survival!

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