Sunday, December 06, 2009

Libelblogger Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs aligns with Hizballah supporter!

When libelblogger and CAIR tool Charles Johnson began to betray all his principles and sling wild false accusations at his former friends and associates, I knew it was only a matter of time before he abandoned Israel and embraced the very same jihadists he used to oppose and mock so vociferously (and sometimes with a cringe-making hatefulness that has now been revealed as the one constant in his approach). And now it is beginning: he has in a recent post approvingly quoted Elizabeth May, a venomous Israel-hater who spoke in August 2006 at an anti-Israel rally full of supporters of the jihad terrorist group Hizballah.

Thus using the very same fractured logic that Johnson has used to defame me and many others as racists, fascists, supporters of genocide, etc., the conclusion is clear: libelblogger Charles Johnson now supports Hizballah.

Hoist by his own petard.

And fractured logic aside, watch for Johnson's abandonment of Israel -- his new Leftist masters will demand it. He has already banned several longtime commenters, including Carl In Jerusalem, as "Kahanists." And Elizabeth May is someone the old Johnson never would have quoted in any context except as an opponent. Those who thought that Israel would never go under the Lizardoid bus should be watching the wheels in the coming weeks and months.

UPDATE: Johnson, brazening it out, denies that May spoke at an anti-Israel, pro-Hizballah rally. Uh, Charles, there's photographic evidence. Whoops! And Pamela has even more. The sleazy lizard keeps digging his hole deeper.
Comment: Always important to understand what friends one has-explains a lot regarding points of view.

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