Thugs In Velvet
Politics: A pack of leftists has put a $200,000 price on the head of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Tom Donohue. Oh, it's not a plot to kill him, they claim, only a bounty to get him arrested. It's one heck of a coarsening of U.S. politics. Is it just us, or is this the most despicable act the hipster left has come up with since MoveOn.org tried to smear General David Petraeus as General Betray-Us in a New York Times ad last year?
Monday, Fox News reported that a coalition of 120 left-wing groups called "Velvet Revolution" issued an Old West-style "wanted" poster, complete with a tip hotline urging anyone connected with the Chamber president to come forward with information that will get him arrested. It offers guaranteed anonymity for tipsters.
It's nothing but a fishing expedition, not to investigate a lawbreaker, but to silence dissent.
Velvet Revolution says its campaign is based on the Chamber's opposition to the Obama administration's health care overhaul and cap-and-trade legislation.
"The Chamber of Commerce, under Tom Donohue, has gone from a well-respected trade organization to an extremist political organization dedicated to corrupting American democracy by elevating the profits of big corporations over the well-being of the citizens they serve," the group's Web site reads.
But unlike real democracy groups, the Velvet Revolution isn't interested in actually debating Donohue.
"We now seek hard evidence that will stand up in the court of law; i.e., documents, affidavits and testimony implicating Donohue in crimes; including fraud, tax violations, campaign finance violations, money laundering, insider trading, election tampering, pension fund and stockholder manipulations. We want to hear from insiders and whistle-blowers posessing (sic) information not already in the public domain."
How this scheme could be legal is beyond us. Any investigation would be tainted by the payoff. It amounts to an incentive for someone to cook up false evidence with implications that the winner of the bounty has corrupt lawmen on the string waiting to act.
But the biggest problem seems to be the malevolent tone the bounty sets, something that in the current political climate is only growing worse as the Obama administration does nothing to rein it in.
For starters, it's a tactic straight out of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," a book of prescriptions for community organizers: "Pick a target, freeze it, and personalize it."
The second problem is that it's run by a nontransparent group of unknown funding. What little is known is on the group's Facebook site. It says the founders are Kevin Zeese and Brad Friedman, a couple of activists long associated with Democratic causes. Those are the same causes dear to MoveOn.org and various grass-roots groups funded by billionaire George Soros. Who the Velvet Revolution really represents is not known, but it's willing to act as political shock troops.
The Obama political machine has not been pristine in its associations, given that radicals such as former green czar Van Jones and diversity czar Mark Lloyd found themselves easily at home in the Obama administration.
Worse still, SEIU President Andy Stern still gets presidential face time even as thuggish acts out of that union go unpunished. Among these are the beat-down of political dissident Ken Gladney which still hasn't been prosecuted.
What's more, the administration has shown little inclination to rein in out-of-control intimidators caught in the act of breaking the law, such as the Black Panthers, who frightened voters in Philadelphia in the 2008 election.
That makes the Velvet Revolution threats of prosecution all the more menacing. If this bounty on Donohue isn't a direct threat on democracy, what is?
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