Monday, February 15, 2010

Dutch Reduced Freedom Vs Iranian Zest for Freedom

Nurit Greenger

February 15, 2009

Mr. Geert Wilders is a distinguished Dutch politician, a member of the Dutch Parliament and the leader of the conservative Dutch PVV Partij voor de Vrijheid Party, which means the Party for Freedom. His Party is now leading in the Dutch voting polls. Geert Wilders believes that the free world is standing idle while Islam is encroaching into every crevice of our life threatening our Judeo-Christian way of life, our liberties, we have fought so hard to have, and our freedom of speech Islam, bit-by-bit, is successfully taking away from us. He had embarked upon a crusade to fight the evil of Islam. In his just conflict with Islam and the Islamization-Islamification of his country Holland, as well as the entire Europe, Mr. Wilders produced a documentary movie which he called Fitna. Fitna is an Arabic word with connotations of secession, upheaval and chaos. And indeed, this is what Islam is causing all over the world: chaos. In his movie that brought about an uproar in the Moslem world, Mr. Wilders did not use actors. Rather, he referred to Suras (chapters) in the Qur’an (The Qur’an is divided in 114 suras), which he compares to Hitler’s book Mein Kampf, its preaching the Moslems staunchly follow and showed the parallel whereby Moslem acting upon the writing of their holy book with violence and oppression and against the free world’s way of life and all that a free society believes in. In other words, Mr. Wilders juxtaposed the Qur’an and terrorist attacks including the September 11, 2001 and the London Tube and bus bombings on July 7, 2005, thus brought to light the truth about Islam. This truth many politicians and people choose not to acknowledge, or prefer to totally ignore, as they have been sold to the Multiculturalism mentality evil wanting to believe that all faiths and all cultures are equal which, by far, it is not.

For his Fitna Movie message that Islam is not a peaceful religion, rather an evil ideology its maim preaching is, ‘we are right, you are dead,’ and his endless, most eloquent speeches, about the threat Islam poses to the entire Free World in front of governments and audience all over the world, Mr. Wilders has been sued and he is now standing trial. He is sued for inciting to defame Moslems, inciting against Islam, inciting to discriminate Moslems and inciting hatred against non-Europeans and other minorities.

This trial may turn to be the trial of the century! Geert Wilders is standing trial for the entire Free World. If he loses and convicted each one of us is a loser as our Freedom of Speech will lose its right to exist.

Up to now the trial has not gone well; the Leftist Dutch Judges are working diligently to find Mr. Wilders guilty and appease Islam. They have denied him fifteen out of the eighteen witnesses he elected to speak in his favor and the three witnesses left will be allowed to speak behind closed doors so the world is denied to hear the truth. Though the Dutch Justice Lady chooses to be blind fold during this trial, she has a splendid hearing and we should all hope and pray that she hears the following message loud and clear: it is not only the right, but the duty of the free people to speak out against every ideology that threatens their freedom. As Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States of America who was the author of the Declaration of Independence and one of the most influential founders of the United States rightfully said, “The price if freedom is eternal vigilance.”

It is our pray and hope that the freedom of speech shall triumph in Geert Wilders’ trial.

While the Dutch courts are systematically working to deny the Dutch people their Freedom of Speech Geert Wilders has challenged by criticizing Islam, in Iran the people are fighting for their right to have freedom and rid themselves of the oppressive fanatic Islamic regime. Millions of Iranians will continue to protest and demand that the oppressive Mullahs regime steps down. Up to now, the Iranian people’s opposition to the Mullahs’ government has been peaceful; however it may not be the case for much longer. We are likely to see terrible blood shed.

President Barack Hussein Obama is a narcissist who thinks that with his presence only the world will change. This is hardly the case though. Under his leadership the United States is no longer the leader of the Free World. He has not found in himself to speak in timely manner to encourage the people in Iran to fight for their freedom while calling for the Mullahs to step down and give the people the freedom they so badly want and rightfully deserve.

We are watching a train rack. The President of the United States will not stand up in support of freedom fighters, fighting to topple the most tyrannical regime in the world. Obama will not provide the people of Iran the help most American citizens will want him to provide. He stands rather idle instead of supporting the on going revolution movement in Iran. China is against the USA in its opposition to Iran’s nuclear ambitions; the Russians are playing both sides. Nicholas Sarkozy, France’s President, the German Chancellor Angela Markel and Italy’s Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi have expressed the immediate need to stop Iran from developing nuclear arms but have not acted on their statements.

The regime in Iran knows its time is over. It is ready to fall and all we need to do is seize the moment, better now than later. However, Obama has not spoken yet! Will he?

The Free World stands to gain a great deal if the Iranian Regime has been crushed. The Iranian population needs the Free World’s support to topple their regime

While in Holland the free people are willing to let Islam take away their freedom, in Iran the people are fighting and sacrificing lives to have this precious freedom.

There is not much time left before Iran has arrived at having nuclear arms and then there is no way back. Nuclear Iran will unfathomably shake the world security stability. The entire world that understands what is at stake will definitely cheer Israel if it does the job of destroying Iran’s nuclear infrastructure.

It will be the 21st Century pathetic irony if Jews in Israel, whom the maniacal Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been threatening for years to annihilate, who is the number one funder of world terrorism as well as has been supporting Hezbollah and Hamas, in every mean possible, in their obsessive effort to destroy Israel, will liberate the Iranian people from this very same insane president and regime.

Since its inception, 1400 years ago, the Islamic intent to gain traction as an economic power, intellectual power, military power, any influential power, has constantly failed therefore, they have resorted to using their dark religion angle to intimidate the world and commit mass murders all for self gain.

Crucial times are ahead of all of us to preserve the freedom the Islamic monsters are working hard to deny us. Freedom is not a substance all on itself as much as a national flag is not either. We need to muster all our means to defend our existence as free people; defend our families, our scriptures, our schools and our properties and all else that makes a free society dynamic and advanced.

The people of the free world must speak up loud and clear and in unison: sacrificing our freedom and our way of life to evil Islam is not an option!

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