Sunday, March 07, 2010

If We Wait for Armageddon

Norma Zager

“The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he didn’t exist…” The Usual Suspects

Evil never ceases to amaze me. Each moment as man progresses toward the demise of planet earth, he manages to regress by centuries.

The terrorist double agent who murdered the CIA operatives recorded himself shortly before the killing. He was not intending to commit such a mass murder, but upon learning of the possibility of taking so many more lives, he commented the extra killings were “a gift from god.” “Whose god?” is what I ask, whose morals? What god could this be? Did this idiot climb the evolutionary ladder with the rest of us?

After millions of years of evolution, suddenly regression has kicked into third gear. Man is more evil and primitive now in the 21st century than in prehistoric times.

How can this be? By what scale can we measure such statistics?

Simple, if indeed intellect was a missing component to early man’s ascent to higher civilization, that component is no longer lacking. We have managed to teach ourselves, but failed to separate ourselves from the apes. No insult intended to apes here.

It appears the more man learns, the more he embraces the dark side of his nature. Preferring to use intelligence to perfect malevolence and destroy morality, in lieu of the betterment of mankind.

Man’s current choice is a very basic tenant of religion and offers definitive proof that free will was intended not to allow man to seek and find God and goodness, but prove he is incapable of doing so.

Civilization throughout time has perpetuated murder and mayhem and sought to control others through the most horrific means possible.

Man has perfected killing and terror and raised it to an art form. Bravo. All those years in school seemed to have paid off. The more intellect man acquired, the more refined his ability to destroy and inflict terror on his fellowmen.

Although there are voluminous examples of evil in the world’s history, man opts to ignore lessons of previous discord and focus instead on the rationalization of his own deeds.

It is for this very reason Israel is being defeated by a successful public relations campaign. One designed to appear righteous, while actually the very incarnate of evil intentions.

Man has not only chosen to ignore the lessons of the past, he transcends former bad behavior daily.

Mass genocide will soon pale by comparison to the nuclear option the devil has acquired for his arsenal.

Belief good will overcome evil is merely the decent among us seeking to live their lives with some peaceful hope for the future, a type of blessed denial.

Yet, each day good sees evil excel and expand its kingdom on earth.

Iran’s leaders understood well they would suffer no interference in their master plan for destruction.

Hitler counted on the stupidity of man and he was right.

How could they be so certain of their success? Simply, because decency is reactive while discord is proactive.

As goodness goes along on its merry way each day, evil actively seeks new, more effective weapons.

The just are naive, silly and living in a fool’s paradise, and will soon be overwhelmed in any effort to overcome.

Denial is the drug of the innocent.

Evil is its pusher.

As evil plots, good people pray.

As hearts harden, hope fades.

Lest we forget a basic tenet of civilization: It is inherent evil exists for good to survive.

Without a basis of comparison between good and evil, who shall define them? What shall define them? It is this last conundrum most effective at fostering strife. Blurring the lines between right and wrong has confused the issue. Obfuscation has created a vortex into which all things must be ultimately sucked and destroyed.

One portion of morality is the firm belief that life is a mirror image.

If one sees goodness in the mirror, it exists. If one sees evil it exists as well. It’s the yin/yang, karma component of existence.

Therefore the deck is stacked because good sees goodness in evil while evil will see only evil in good.

Why is good destined to fail?

Setting up the dynamic between dark and light in this manner gives rise to a world that sees more wrong than right.

Is this some type of a cosmic joke, a way to tip the scales, divine a predestined outcome?

Yes, to all of the above.

Even the most religious I have consulted about this matter across the spectrum cannot answer the most basic question: The Lord is omnipotent, why can’t He defeat the devil?

Revelations attempts to address this confusion by predicting a future war between the armies of good versus the armies of the anti-Christ on the fields of Armageddon. It will be the ultimate showdown at the OK Corral, so to speak.

Begs the question, since the Lord can ultimately defeat evil, why wait for some future battle after man has completely fallen from grace? And as God created man, He surly understood that given the choice, man’s dark side would dominate.

Should we not rise each morning to excel, achieve, be greater and wiser than the day before? Were not human beings designed to be goal oriented? Who is stacking the deck on the side of evil? And why? God’s plan for creating the earth took six days to instruct man that achieving goals would be a process.

There is no doubt many will disagree with my premises, and if so, I would be nothing less than elated to see or hear the concrete evidence of error.

I believe leaving the cave was nothing more than an exercise in futility if only man’s intellect was served by evolution. How could Darwin explain that most animals still kill and hunt only to survive, yet man revels in killing and terror for his own pleasure?

One trip across the Internet is proof enough that the Devil defeated good long ago and is now in his age of glory.

Man’s logic has been so corrupted it is becoming impossible to even define the terms any longer.

It is far past time good people stop self-delusion and denial and accept we have been conned. We have been stupid, silly and foolish in underestimating the enemy.

Whose god will protect us from our enemies, the terrorist’s or Hashem?

It may already be too late, I am not privy to man’s timetable on earth. I am only privy to one undeniable truth. If we wait for Armageddon to destroy evil, the war will have been lost far in advance of that day.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you believe Armageddon is coming?